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Communicating Climate Change Without The Scary Green Monsters (Oxymoron)

Big Green is wondering again if the stories of scary Green monsters are really working with the public in the developed world. They wondered this before, but there problem is their political agenda is founded on fear.

Big Green is wondering again if the stories of scary Green monsters are really working with the public in the developed world. They have wondered this before, but the problem is their political agenda is founded on fear.

If you cry wolf as the fable goes people listen, if however, you keep crying wolf and the wolf never turns up and eats the sheep then eventually people cease to listen.

Here is the crux of the problem facing the Green propaganda machine, not one of their Green Armageddon scenarios has ever come pass, the Arctic was going to ice free by 2012, when that failed happen the date changed to 2020 and then moved on to 2058.

Our children would not know what snow was, there were 50 days to save the world which eventually evolved into 120 months to save the world.

It was Climategate that did the damage to the Green Dream, and in the years since then, the fear stories have been ramped up, where  every extreme weather event is immediately linked to Anthropogenic Global Warming, by the new Green science of attribution.

Attribution is a simple science that most people can comprehend, it goes like this everything that has ever happened, or will happen in the future is caused by man made climate change.

In reality it is the science of predictive fear, underlined by the hope a major natural disaster will occur, and that the Greens can profit from the ensuing human misery.  Puts a whole new slant on “I told you so.” Read the rest of this entry

India Snubs Ban Ki-moon Climate Summit

India's new Prime Minister Narendra Modi has caused Green outrage by snubbing UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's Climate Summit.

India’s new Prime Minister Narendra Modi has caused Green outrage by snubbing UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s Climate Summit which is to be held in September.

The ages old trick of tell a big enough lie, tell the lie often enough and people will believe it,  is being done to death on social media by Big Green and the warming alarmist machine in the run up to COP21 in December 2015.

COP21 is going to be held in Paris and according to the Green narrative the world is going to sign a legally binding deal to cut emissions and we will all live happily ever after in a world with a climate of our own choosing.

Every old Green scare story from drowning polar bears to ice free poles by (insert a year far enough into the future so it irrelevant) is being dragged out, dusted off, given a new coat of Green turd polish and broadcast as the truth.

Running in tandem with the Green lie machine is the Green wish projection and straw grabbing machine, looking to find anything that shows there is still some political support somewhere, in the world for their junk science and political agenda.

Take for example the election of India’s new Prime Minister Narendra Modi in May 2014: Read the rest of this entry