Monthly Archives: May 2011

Warming Alarmists Feel The Heat

The Settled Science of Obama; less settled following court orders to release papers

Climategate the turning point in the fight against the warming alarmists, wealth redistributors and one world govenrmentalists is still causing problems for Al Gore and the disciples of the Church of Climatology.

The Universities of Virginia in the USA and East Anglia in Britain were complict in the lies and manufacture of junk science to prove the existence of  Anthropogenic Global Warming, both Universities were obstructive in meeting Freedom of Information requests and both Universities investigated themselves in scarcely believable white washes, cunningly disguised as investigations in to their scientific practices. Carefully constructed questions ensured a pre-determined result.

Now the University of Virginia has been ordered by a court to release papers it had previously refused to release Read the rest of this entry

Chris Huhne – Police Open Channels With Crown Prosecution Service

A picture worth 3 words - Huhne is Toast

The noose around Chris Huhne continues to tighten slowly with the news that Police investigating allegations that Huhne got his ex-wife Vicky Price to take speeding penalty points instead of him, have opened channels of communication with the Crown Prosecution Service, though as yet Read the rest of this entry

Chris Huhne – Ex Wife Signs Sworn Legal Confession She Took The Points

How much longer can Huhne hang on

The slow and agonising death of Chris Huhne’s political career ground inexorably onwards with the news that a few weeks ago ex-wife Vicky Price signed an affidavit stating she took the points on Huhne’s behalf.

The affidavit is in the possession of a Sunday newspaper Read the rest of this entry

Chris Huhne, The Guardian And Green Hypocrisy

The Guardian - "Loads of people get others to take their penalty points so stop hounding Huhne"

The Guardian has truly excelled itself with this story about Chris Huhne, and how if indeeed, he did get his wife to take the fall for his speeding conviction, its perfectly acceptable as according to the Guardian, 1 in 6 speeding convictions in Britain end up with someone other than the driver getting the penalty points.

When speeding is mentioned in relation to Chris Huhne in the Guardian it is a minor offence, nothing serious really, yet the previous day, George Monbiot Moonbat was tearing into “Petrolheads” for the horrendous crime of speeding.

There is some kind of a double standard in operation here, which is hardly new ground for the Guardian: Read the rest of this entry

Chris Huhne – Lib Dems Question If He Should Stay On

Huhne, estranged wife Vicky Price and bisexual mistress Carina Trimingham

Huhne, estranged wife Vicky Price and bisexual mistress Carina Trimingham

Chris Huhne’s future is looking less bright with each passing day, despite an ambigious statement of support from David Cameron who said “I have confidence in all members of the Cabinet”, which is hardly the ringing endorsement that Huhne must have been hoping for.

Support for Huhne from his cabinet colleagues has been virtually non existent and in recent days Huhne has looked an increasigly isolated and beleagured figure.

Now Lib Dems colleagues of Huhne’s are openly questioning if Huhne should stay on in the Cabinet Read the rest of this entry

Chris Huhne – How Much Longer

Huhne and a mobile revenue device in 2005

Chris Huhne can be easily located these days, just look for the increasing hordes of circling vultures in the sky and not far below will be the warming alarmist himself.

At the launch of whatever Climate Scripture Attila the Huhnatic did yesterday, the absence of Cabinet ministers not wishing to pick up the smell of death was quite simply amazing, given that a colleague is fighting for his political life, cabinet ministers were conspicuous by their absence and of the 2 who turned up, they were gone in under 10 minutes.

The pressure on Huhne keeps mounting as police announced that they will speak to Read the rest of this entry

Chris Huhne’s Downfall Will End The Farce Of The Greenest Government Ever

The demise of Attila the Huhnatic will kill off the farce of the Greenest Governemnt ever

At the heart of this Vichy Government are 2 warming alarmists, mock Conservative and Prime Minister David Cameron and his Lib Dem poodle, Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne.

With Huhne trying weather a shitstorm about what amounts to allegations of his attempts to pervert the course of justice for motoring offences, the whole economic suicide pact between Cameron and Huhne to kill Britain economically hangs in the balance.

Make no mistake if these two Climate Lemmings get their way and hamstring our industry with the only CO2 emissions targets in the world, this country is on a slide back to Agricultural Revolution Britain, and you can forget constant and reliable electricity supplies as well, as Cameron and Huhne tie us to the sheer folly of renewables. Read the rest of this entry

Chris Huhne – Zero Emissions, Zero Future

Political Death of a warming alarmist - Chrish Hune the Cabinet Minister with Zero Future

The political death of Chris Huhne is imminent, while he has the “full confidence” of duplicitous munchkin Nick Clegg, David Cameron has distanced himself from Attila the Huhnatic by saying “As for Chris Huhne, he has denied the allegations.” Attila the Huhnatic has been left hanging in the breeze since Cameron’s official spokesman refused to repeat that Huhne had Cameron’s backing.

The “full support” politically of someone who you personally attacked and attempted to dethrone, or Dave distancing himself from Huhne, it is difficult to work out which is more damaging to the beleaguered Climate Change Secretary; amusing to see how far the mighty Huhne has fallen since May 6th with his wind powered leadership bid, the great man proved as useful and as efficient and his beloved wind turbines. Read the rest of this entry

Attila The Huhnatic Gets Slapped By George Osborne

George Osborne to Chris Huhne - "This is the Cabinet, not some sub-Jeremy Paxman interview."

Friday May 6th is going to be an interesting day for Nick Clegg and the Lib Dems, double-barreled defeat staring them in the face as their vote in Local Council elections evaporates and the Yes vote for AV in the referendum on changing our voting system, crashes and burns.

Chris Hunhe has actually taken time off from screwing the energy security of this country to position himself in another bid to lead what will most likely be the smoking remains of the Lib Dem party, in some sort of post May 5th putsch to oust Nick Clegg. Read the rest of this entry