Monthly Archives: February 2014

Greenpeace Co-Founder Tells US Senate Earth’s Geologic History Fundamentally Contradicts CO2 Climate Fears


Dr Patrick Moore was one of the co-founders of Green NGO, Greenpeace, for several years Moore was chairman of Greenpeace in Canada, until he became concerned at the political direction Greenpeace was taking, and left the NGO.

Moore is far from popular with his former NGO and other Greens, in January 2012 he spoke about the Green folly of wind power describing it as “a destroyer of wealth and negative to the economy.”

Then in July 2012 Moore caused more Green outrage and upset when he attacked the warming alarmists for their attempts to cover up the lack of warming for what was then 15 years.  “These people are either completely naive about the relationship between CO2 and plants or they are making this up as a way of  deflecting attention from the lack of warming for the past 15 years”, said Moore.

In August that year Moore gave an interview to the Washington Times:

Ideology is negative in so far as it tends to divide people into warring camps with no possible resolution. My late Greenpeace friend Bob Hunter suggested early on that in order for environmentalism to become a mass movement, it would have to be based on ideology, or as he called it “popular mythology,” because “not everybody can be a Ph.D. ecologist.”

On February 25th 2014 Moore appeared before the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, his former NGO really will not like what he had to say: Read the rest of this entry

Britain’s Storms And Green Political Opportunism

Every Green and warming alarmist cabal member is ignoring the inconvenient truths of IPCC AR5 and attributing natural weather events to

Every Green and warming alarmist cabal member is ignoring the inconvenient truths of IPCC AR5 and attributing natural weather events to Anthropogenic Global Warming

The severe weather events hitting Britain at the moment were always going to be grabbed by the warming alarmists as conclusive proof that man made climate change was the root  cause.

As usual the warmists quote the UN IPCC report when it suits their argument, and then completely ignore their “science” when it does not match the current and ever changing political narrative.

Like for example the “low confidence” that the IPCC has in attributing extreme weather events to Anthropogenic Global Warming: Read the rest of this entry

Enviornmentalists Should Use Emotion, Not Science, To Convince Others Of Global Warming

Environmentalist George Marshall. To convince people that global warming is a threat, use “your personal conviction as a friend, colleague or neighbor” to make your case — avoid using scientific arguments

Environmentalist George Marshall. To convince people that global warming is a threat, use “your personal conviction as a friend, colleague or neighbor” to make your case — avoid using scientific arguments

A cynic would most probably argue, rightly it must be said, that for years those with an obsessive fear of CO2 have been using emotion suitably laced with cherry picked junk science to convince others of their beliefs.

The emotion most favoured by Gaia’s disciples is fear, their stories always follow the same plot line, could and probably,  now mean will most definitely happen, and we should all be terrified of the outcome of their predictions.

That to date not one single Green doomsday scenario has come to pass matters not to the warming alarmists, previously failed predictions are swept under the responsibly sourced bamboo matting and a new cry of Green wolf shrilly broadcast.

How many times has the Arctic going to be ice free by this date and then that date?

All the fear stories and junk science have failed to carry the message to the masses, now Environmentalist George Marshall believes he has the answer halt the decline in Climate Religion: Read the rest of this entry

The Green Cancer In Government – UK Environment Agency Putting Birds Before Humans

The main railway line between Exeter and Plymouth swings in the wind because the UK Environment Agency could not act to protect the line until it had carried out an impact assessment on local bird life.

The main railway line between Exeter and Plymouth swings in the wind because the UK Environment Agency could not act to protect the line until it had carried out an impact assessment on local bird life.

The stranglehold that environmentalism and being Green has on government departments in the western world has reached epidemic proportions of stupidity, or to put it another way the clowns have taken over the circus.

Much of Britain, and especially the south west has been submerged in flood water for weeks now, the Somerset Levels are not far off of joining Atlantis.

There are many complex and interlinked reasons as to why the floods have been so bad, one of the most significant is the lack of dredging of the rivers which in the case of the Somerset Levels stopped some 25 years ago. Dredging while solving one problem upstream can lead to further problems downstream caused by the increased flow of water as it heads to the sea.

On the never ending news reports from the flooded areas many people have been heard to say that the Environment Agency is putting birds before humans, now a group of Peers has revealed that in a meeting they were told by Environment Agency officials that no steps to protect the only rail link between Exeter and Plymouth could be taken, until an impact assessment had been carried out on the local sea birds. Read the rest of this entry

The Climate Scientist Who Got It Right In 2000

Dr Don Easterbrook - “One thing many people don’t realize is that CO2 by itself is incapable of causing significant climate change. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is 39/1,000ths of one percent. It’s nothing. Ninety-five percent of the greenhouse effect is water vapor, and water vapor is not changing.

Dr Don Easterbrook – “One thing many people don’t realize is that CO2 by itself is incapable of causing significant climate change. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is 39/1,000ths of one percent. It’s nothing. Ninety-five percent of the greenhouse effect is water vapor, and water vapor is not changing.

Dr Don Easterbrook is a climate scientist and glacier expert who predicted back in the year 2000 that the Earth was entering a cooling phase for at least the next 20 years and to expect lower temperatures.

There has been no real warming, only Green fantasy warming for the last 17 years, so it looks like Easterbrook is a rare climate scientist, one whose predictions actually come true.

A mere 7 years after Easterbrooks prediction Al Gore and the UN IPCC shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for their “planetary emergency” that alleged that Planet Earth was facing catastrophic global warming due to rising levels of CO2.

At this point is worth remembering that the charter for the UN IPCC only allows the IPCC to consider the hand of man in climate change, so their reports will always attribute natural climate change to Anthropogenic causes. Read the rest of this entry

Keystone XL On Track To Be The Biggest Green Defeat Since Records Began


The secret of any campaign be it military, or in this case Green protest is to pick a fight you can realistically win, otherwise you are likely to have your own Battle of the Little Big Horn and join George Armstrong Custer in ignominious defeat.

Keystone XL is a 1700 mile pipeline that will stretch from Alberta in Canada to refineries in Texas and Oklahoma, the pipeline will be buried 4 feet underground and have switch off points every 20 miles.

The Greens and warming alarmists decided that the Keystone XL pipeline was going to be their battle, they would defeat the pipeline and the evil oil sands of Alberta would forever stay in the ground, failure to obey the Greens would naturally lead to catastrophic global warming and the whole planet would fry as a consequence.

The warming alarmists and their scientists expected the great Green hope, Barack Obama would live up to his Green rhetoric and a put a stop to the whole project. Read the rest of this entry