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The Classic Green Non Story – Coal Assets Could Be Halved If…..

Coal assets could be worth less than half of their current market value if the world agrees tougher climate targets according to a report by the bank HSBC

Coal assets could be worth less than half of their current market value if the world agrees tougher climate targets according to a report by the bank HSBC

If is the middle word in life” said Marlon Brando’s character Colonel Kilgore in the movie Apocalypse Now.

Generations of computer programmers know If is a conditional, as in the conditional If, used in many programming languages, only in warming alarmist world are conditionals an absolute, where if and could, are actually synonyms for will.

When you couple this skewing of language with vested interests reporting on vested interests, you end up with the a classic Green non story like “Value of coal assets ‘could be halved’ if world goes low-carbon“.

Conditionals are of course based upon probability, and obviously there is a chance that the entire world could decide to believe the Green meme, leave fossil fuel reserves in the ground and decide to follow a dimly lit future based upon intermittent Green approved energy generation.

The big question, is it likely? Read the rest of this entry

Now About The Coming Ice Age

The MV Akademik Shokalskiy aka Ship of Fools icebound in Antartica. Expedition leader Chris Turney apart from being a warming alarmist scientist also has business interests in a company called Carbonscape which promotes Green products.

The MV Akademik Shokalskiy aka Ship of Fools icebound in Antartica. Expedition leader Chris Turney apart from being a warming alarmist scientist also has business interests in a company called Carbonscape which promotes Green products.

The whole world has had a chance to have a long laugh at the antics of a bunch of warming alarmists scientists and Green propagandists from the BBC and The Guardian getting trapped in Antarctic sea ice.

The stupidity and religious belief in their own propaganda got these Green fools into a mess of their own making, which has happily ended with no loss of life or injury, just a huge amount of carbon pollution from dirty ships bunker fuel, and aviation emissions from the Chinese helicopter that rescued the fools.

The explanations as to why the ice was so thick have ranged from the ludicrous “Sea ice is disappearing due to climate change but here it is building up“, once the global laughter had died down Turney admitted it was weather not climate that had caused the huge build up in Antarctic sea ice.

So the big question is are we headed for a new ice age? Read the rest of this entry

IPCC Chief Rajendra Pachauri We Are All Going To Die (Again) But No Armageddon Date This Time

IPCC Chief Rajendra Pachauri predicts we are all going to die again, but this time sensibly does give a year when this will happen.

IPCC Chief Rajendra Pachauri predicts we are all going to die again, but this time sensibly does not give a year when this will happen.

The pre-COP silly season is well underway with all outlets of the Global Warming industry spreading doom, gloom, fear and trying desperately to find non existent heat in the deep oceans.

No run up to a UNFCCC COP meeting would complete without some predictions of Armageddon from the head of the UNFCCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Rajendra Pachauri.

The head of the IPCC is not a climate scientist, nor indeed any form of scientist, Pachauri is by profession a railway engineer and a part time soft core porn novel writer, with a long track record of making failed predictions of when the 4 Green horsemen of Apocalypse will arrive.

Now in Pachauri world it is 5 minutes to Green midnight and the Apocalypse: Read the rest of this entry

Wow! CO2 Makes Volcanoes Erupt

The power of Carbon Dioxide, according to the teachings of the Church of Climatology

The power of Carbon Dioxide, according to the teachings of the Church of Climatology

For an inert trace gas which comprises just 0.04% of Earths atmosphere, CO2 has some incredible properties and powers attributed to it by the superstitious believers of the cult of Anthropogenic Global Warming.

The decline of Climate Religion has meant desperate measures for desperate times, most desperate measures, are in reality no more than a Forlorn Hope, take for example the warming alarmist tactic of event attribution.

Every extreme weather event of recent years has been attributed to CO2 induced global warming, event attribution as it is referred to was started by once Green Pope, and now major Green embarrassment Al Gore, and since that moment has become the trumpet call of all the major players in the scam, including EU Climate Commissar Connie Hedegaard, Christiana Figueres, Ban Ki-Moon, almost to the point where everyone involved in the Green cabal is an attributionist. Read the rest of this entry

COP18 Could This Be The Last UN Climate Circus Meeting?

With little over a week to go until COP18 starts, there are increasing signs that the Anthropogenic Global Warming boondoggle is disintegrating at an ever increasing pace.

Attendance is down to a lower level than COP17, so slow has the take up for visas been that, the counter for visa applications was removed from the COP18 website.

Then in one of the strangest statements to ever come out of the UNFCCC, the COP18 President, Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Attiyah declared that Shale Gas was good news for the world as it would provide energy security for the next 300 years, which is poles apart from the UN official meme of abandoning the use of fossil fuels.

Now the United States has suggested that the UN is not the best place to ever achieve a climate deal: Read the rest of this entry

COP17 Fear Stories – The Guardian Lies About Extreme Weather

New IPCC report is going to say that science doesn't know whether CO2 has an effect on most climatic observables

With COP17 Durban just 10 days away from disintegration starting,  the Climate of Fear campaign is gathering pace and this years scary fear story is Anthropogenic Global Warming causes extreme weather events, which is not the case.

Al Gore in his recent embarrassing 24 Hours of Climate Reality Goregasm attempted to link any weather event he could think of to Climate Change and was ridiculed by both sides of the Climate Change debate for his trouble.

The new IPCC report has been carefully leaked to see how the world reacts to what Jo Nova describes as “IPCC scientists testing the exit doors“, in short the IPCC now say that they are not sure that atmospheric CO2 causes Global Warming, a seismic shift from their 2007 Fourth Assessment that was totally sure that CO2 was the most evil gas, ever.

Damian Carrington at the Guardian is at it again, trying to re-spin the old lies from the IPCC 2007 Fourth Assessment Report, and use this to blatantly lie about the contents of the upcoming Fifth Assessment Report while muttering darkly about moral choices: Read the rest of this entry

Climate Change Sea Levels Are Not Rising

Ice displaces the same volume in water as it would if it were not frozen

The most often repeated lie used by the warming alarmists is that 97% of Climate Scientists are in consensus, probably the next most repeated lie is that sea levels are rising because of melting Arctic ice.

Both lies have become cornerstones of the Church of Climatology, but twice in 2011 NASA have announced that sea levels are dropping, this was confirmed by the European Space Agency earlier this month.

Satellite monitoring shows a drop in sea levels and then there is the inconvenient Truth of Archimedes, who like the Medieval Warming Period is ignored by the warmists: Read the rest of this entry

Climate Scam – 97% Of Climate Scientists Are In Consensus, Is A Lie

77 earth scientists out of 10,257 earth scientists invited replied, so how do they get 97% consensus

The next UN Climate Religion Synod (COP17) in Durban is just 10 weeks away, and despite almost universal consensus that Climate Change talks will slide off the precipice and into oblivion, the drones of the Church of Climatology are still pumping out the sound bytes that are only believed by Climate Activists and those with power and money to gain.

Typical of the Climate Religion drones are the journalists propagandists at the Guardian who are claiming that most of the world is irrational, a lacklustre effort to spin the massive decline in belief in Climate Religion and many more stories of approaching climate Armageddon.

Underpining all of these fairy tales is the dead horse of More than 97% of active climate scientists are in consensus: Read the rest of this entry

IPCC – Rajendra Pachuari 20 – 30% Of Plant & Animal Species Will Die

Railway engineer makes vague predictions of environmental Armageddon, yet again. h/t EU Referendum for the picture

The railway engineer is at it again spreading the Climate of Fear in preparation for  the next UN climate scam synod in Durban.

This is the silly season where the run up to the next UN climate scam conference breeds more new and bizarre stories of Anthropogenic Global Warming that should make us all, very afraid.

Pachuari is flying around the planet again spreading CO2 and vague stories of environmental Armageddon: Read the rest of this entry

IPCC And Rajendra Pachauri’s Ever Shifting Armageddon Date

Dr Rajendra Pachauri head of the UN IPCC Climate Scientist, Railway Engineer or Politician? h/t for the cartoon

This post was originally going to have the title “IPCC – Is Rajendra Pachauri Full Of Shit?”

Punchy and possibly faintly amusing, the problems here are two fold, in the first instance it’s largely rhetorical and secondly Al Gore has cornered the market on fecal matter derivatives and Globull Warming.

In common with the vast majority of those employed at the IPCC, their Leader Dr Rajendra Pachauri is not a Climate Scientist, neither is he unbelievably a researcher for Greenpeace or the WWF, he is in fact a Railway Engineer who has presided over one of the biggest scientific scams since Piltdown Man: Read the rest of this entry