Monthly Archives: July 2013

Czech Government Ends Green Subsidies For Renewables

Czech Government has voted to end Green subsidies for solar from the end of 2013

The Czech Government has voted to end Green subsidies for solar from the end of 2013

The Green collapse continues as the Czech Republic becomes the latest in a long list of countries to cut back, or stop the Green subsidies that are the lifeblood for Green renewable energy.

As usual the overly generous subsidies for renewable energy are pushing the cost of electricity ever upwards, killing jobs and pushing families into energy poverty.

The Czechs were aware back in 2010 that a problem was looming with energy prices and that renewables were going to be the cause: Read the rest of this entry

The Death Rattle Of The UN Climate Process

Demonstrators at COP15 Copenhagen which marked the start of the long slow death of the UN Climate process which will be laid to rest at COP20, Paris in 2015.

Demonstrators at COP15 Copenhagen which marked the start of the long slow death of the UN Climate process which will be laid to rest at COP20, Paris in 2015.

Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for the UN Climate process scam boondoggle which has been in terminal decline since the massive failure of COP15 in Copenhagen, back in 2009.

Since then each successive COP meeting has been a more spectacular car crash than it’s predecessors, the last COP18 saw the end of the Kyoto Protocol and no real successor to the only global treaty on emissions. In a desperate attempt to achieve something the COP18 President, Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Attiyah forced a number of measures through as the meeting was closing, that post COP18 have subsequently caused way more problems than they solved at the time.

Ignoring the observed empirical evidence of the COP18 failure the EU Climate Commissar Connie Hedegaard wrote a long article for the UK Guardian on December 14th 2012 claiming that COP18, was in fact a success, it was just the success was hiding in the deep oceans with the missing warming, or something like that.

Comrade Connie had this to say: Read the rest of this entry

The Arctic Could Be Ice Free By 2012, Er No, 2020, Er No, 2058 That’s Right

Time to photoshop some polar bears on to melting ice for another new scary Arctic fear meme.

Time to photoshop some polar bears on to melting ice for another new scary Arctic fear meme.

Here we go again, a new Armageddon prediction from warming alarmist central about the Arctic, this time our children won’t know what Arctic ice was in 2058, or will they?

And what does an ice free Arctic really mean anyway?

More on that later, for now back to warming alarmist failed predictions.

Back in 2007 Jay Zwally, a NASA Climate Scientist predicted the Arctic would be ice free in the Summer of 2012, the summer of 2012 came and the Arctic stubbornly refused to lose all it’s ice. This is despite increasing levels of atmospheric CO2, which the Greens have been telling us for years will cause planetary meltdown.

The Greens and warming alarmists have an unenviable record of never being right with their predictions, to date not one Green prediction of doom and gloom has come to pass.

As each prediction fails so the date for the next Armageddon is pushed back further into the future, Green fingers are crossed that this time they will be correct and millions of people will die, and they will have been vindicated.

Slippage in Armageddon events is a tactic beloved of the Greens, and most especially the railway engineer Rajendra Pachuari, head of the UN IPCC, for whom slippage is an art form: Read the rest of this entry

Britain’s Climate Change Fool – Wrong Again On Shale Gas

Ed Davey Britain's Climate Change Fool has been proved wrong, yet again this time by a report commissioned by him.

Ed Davey Britain’s Climate Change Fool has been proved wrong, yet again this time by a report he commissioned.

Ed Davey Liberal Democrat Energy Secretary Climate Change Fool has been proved wrong again, as  an event this is wholly unremarkable given the frequency of Davey being wrong, but what makes this particular faux pas so amusing is that Davey commissioned the report, himself.

Shale Gas and fracking has always terrified the warmists and Greens, a cheap, reliable and affordable energy source that creates real lasting jobs, generates real revenue and wealth, unlike Green renewable energy which creates short term installation jobs and cannot exist without the oxygen of tax payer funded Green subsidies.

From the moment that Shale Gas was mentioned for Britain, the Greens started a campaign of hysteria and lies to try and stop fracking from ever starting. The campaign against fracking was initially led by then Liberal Democrat Climate Change Secretary, and now convicted criminal Chris Huhne who announced that Shale Gas would not happen because of the sacred Carbon Targets. When this failed to stop fracking Read the rest of this entry

The Brave New Green Future – Flying Wind Turbines

The latest doomed Green wet dream, flying wind turbines

The latest doomed Green wet dream, flying wind turbines

If this were April 1st you would be forgiven for thinking this an April fool story, well to be frank it is a fool story, but more of a Green fool story than anything else.

The greatest Green minds of a generation have been snorting way too much Pixie dust, again, and with their rose tinted safety goggles on, have come up with probably their most stupid idea yet, flying wind turbines.

The plan is to have flocks(??) of wind turbines flying over a mile high above the ground, connected to a ground station via a cable, what could possibly go wrong, or even right come to that?: Read the rest of this entry

The Hockey-Stick Graph Is Now One Of The Most Trusted And Widely Recognized Graphs In All Of Science

According to the UK Guardian The "hockey-stick graph" is now one of the most trusted and widely recognized graphs in all of science

According to the UK Guardian The “hockey-stick graph” is now one of the most trusted and widely recognized graphs in all of science.

You know that moment when you read something, then can’t actually believe what you have read, do a double take and the words still haven’t changed? That!

The cause of such a reaction none other than the central source for Green fairy tales, the UK Guardian where in an article today, a minor scientist who someone might have called a nasty name once upon time is accusing anyone who disagrees with the findings of the so called climate scientists, of launching personal attacks on people like Ben Santer and Michael E Mann, who is the real reason for this story.

Mikey’s a hero don’t cha know: Read the rest of this entry

Shale Gas – Britain’s Government Undoing The Lies Of Chris Huhne

Britain's Coalition Government is to launch a campaign to undo the lies of the former Climate Change minister Chris Huhne.

Britain’s Coalition Government is to launch a campaign to undo the lies of the former Climate Change minister Chris Huhne.

The sheer farce of Britain’s Coalition Vichy Government has never been more clearly demonstrated than by this story.

If only David Cameron had cojones 10% of the size of Maggie Thatcher’s then Britain would not have this sorry sham of a Government, Cameron should have formed a minority government and got on with the job, instead the Green lobotomized heir to Tony Blair formed a coalition with Little Nicky Clegg and his Liberal Democrats. A Coalition that is at odds with itself, instead of a unified approach to all policies from both parties, certain policies are run exclusively by the Conservatives, others by the Liberal Democrats, which gives little impression of cohesion, and can have disastrous consequences for the country, a case in point being Climate and Energy Policy.

When the Coalition was formed Liberal Democrat Green ideologue and soon to be convicted criminal Chris Huhne was appointed to run the Department of Energy and Climate Change. Read the rest of this entry

Germany Kills Solar Stone Dead – Green Subsidies To End

The death knell for German solar has sounded, all Green subsidies for solar will stop no later than 2018.

The death knell for German solar has sounded, all Green subsidies for solar will stop no later than 2018.

German solar is dead, it just hasn’t hit the ground yet.

The shining beacon of Green light in Europe, Germany is to kill its solar renewables industry dead no later than 2018 when all Green subsidies will stop.

Solar power is actually more intermittent than wind, if that were possible, the subsidies paid are economically unviable and to make matters worse there is a massive trade war spat going on between the EU and China, who the EU have accused of dumping solar panels at below cost: Read the rest of this entry

In 50 Years Our Children Won’t Know What Cold Loving Microbes Are

Global Warming is going to kill off all the cold loving microbes within 50 years, and we are all going to die again

Global Warming is going to kill off all the cold loving microbes within 50 years, and we are all going to die again

This is one of those why do the bother with this as a story? Anyone with access to Google can show what a load of cherry picked politically motivated junk science this latest “study” is.

The bottom line is naturally we are all going to die, this time we are all going to die because the increasing mean global temperature that only the warmists can detect, is going to cause the warm loving bacteria Microceleus steenstrupii to overwhelm the cold loving bacteria Microceleus vaginatus, and that will be that for mankind.

The microbes in question have been around for all of the planets 3.5 billion year history but only now could a global mean temperature rise put microbes at risk: Read the rest of this entry

Britain’s Climate Change Fool – Keeping The Lights On With Green Energy

Britian's Climate Change Fool says Green Energy will keep the lights on

Britian’s Climate Change Fool says Green Energy will keep the lights on and provide cheaper energy for consumers

Britain’s Climate Change fool is at it again, this time Ed Davey is telling the country that wind and solar will keep the lights on when 20% of Britain’s power stations close by the end of the decade.

Writing in Liberal Democrat Voice Davey then drags out the well worn Green jobs lie, Green jobs have not happened anywhere in the world thus far, but don’t worry because Britain will buck the trend and millions of lasting Green jobs will be created because a Green ideologue says so.

Naturally consumers will be better off as well, as Davey predicts that 30% of Britain’s energy mix will be funded by taxpayers in the form of Green subsidies for wind, solar and all the other economically non viable renewable energy schemes that Big Green see as the future. Read the rest of this entry