Category Archives: Labour Lies and Smears

Gordon Brown – The Delusional Exploding Fuckwit

As Britain struggles under the weight of debt from the profligate spending of the worst Chancellor of the Exchequer and the worst Prime Minister in 300 years Gordon Brown, a new book says that Brown has been stewing in a pot of righteous indignation garnished with delusional thoughts of him saving the world, again.

Brown slithered out from underneath his rock in August to launch a diatribe of lies against News International and to let everyone know that he, Gordon Brown was right about everything and everyone else was wrong.

The world looked on and said “Sorry Gordon you have us confused with someone who gives a shit about you

Now a new book Brown at Number 10 by Anthony Seldon and Guy Lodge reveals more about the most damaged personality to become PM since the end of World War 2: Read the rest of this entry

Gordon Brown Lied Over The Release Of The Lockerbie Bomber

Lockerbie bomber returns to Libya a celebrity

We all knew Gordon Brown lied about the release of the Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, when Brown and the other members of his regime said it was a Scottish matter, they lied.

A well orchestrated lie involving not only the governments of 2 countries, but also the Duke of York.

The Foreign Office advised Libya on the legal niceties of using the convicted murderer’s cancer diagnosis to get him released early Read the rest of this entry

What Now For Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown appeals to Labours core vote at the General Election

This time last year Gordon Brown was everywhere, trying to force through a deal in Copenhagen to save the world from a non existent threat, leading Al Gore in to broom cupboards and busily screwing this country in to the ground in a scorched earth policy of spend, spend, spend and spend some more.

Then Gordon Brown loses the General Election as the voters showed their enthusiasm for another 5 years of bullying, bigotry and Nokia flinging, even losing the election could still not get the cursed one eyed son of the Manse out of Downing Street.

Then suddenly like a fart blown away by a sudden gust of wind, Gordon was gone, disappeared, dropped off the radar. Read the rest of this entry

Why Does The Left Hate Nadine Dorries So Much

Sarah Palin and Nadine Dorries targets for vicious Labtards

When Nadine Dorries announced on Twitter that she was appearing on BBC Question time tonight there was an immediate out pouring of what can only be described as pure unadulterated vitriol, in short its just plain nasty.

These sorts of attacks on right wing female politicians, bloggers and tweeters are all too common place, Aardvark has direct knowledge of personal sexual slurs being made against people he knows, not to mention the blue anteater who would like to set the record straight: Aardvarks don’t mate with ovine quadrupeds. Google ovine quadruped Labtard.

The picture Aardvark used to originally illustrate this point comes from a particular nasty blog that compares the ten things that Nadine and Sarah Palin have in common, dont expect a link by the way.

This picture has been removed by Aardvark because the author is complaining that picture was used without his permission despite the normal internet convention of having the authors url clearly visible on the picture, so it has been removed.

The first point this hate monger makes is “they both a have a womb and want to tell other people what to with theirs”, you can see where this is going.

The very first blog post Aardvark did on this blog was entitled “Smeargate – Labours Finest HourRead the rest of this entry

Why Buy Tony Blairs Book?

So the orange war criminal is going to give the profits of his book to the British Legion, on the face of it a generous and altruistic gesture but as it with all things from the über spinmeister, nothing of course is what it appears to be.

The grandmaster of smoke and mirrors is at it again. Read the rest of this entry

Tony Blair Lied And Exaggerated Iran’s Role In Iraq

Blair takes a breather from having his nose up Bushs butt

It seems like a different life time ago that Gordon Brown gave evidence lied to the Chilcot Inquiry.

Largely forgotten about with General Elections and Coalition Governments The Iraq Inquiry has rumbled inexorably along, but it only takes the name of former Labour Party Leader and War Criminal Tony Blair to bring the inquiry back into the headlines. Read the rest of this entry

Why Kerry McCarthy Must Stand Down

Bristol24-7 has this story on McCarthy’s breach of electoral law yesterday:

Bristol East Labour MP Kerry McCarthy, Gordon Brown’s “Twitter Tsar”, has apologised for revealing a sample of postal votes on the social networking website.

Ms McCarthy breached electoral law by giving details of a constituency postal vote count to her 5,700 followers on Twitter.

Last night the matter was referred by Bristol City Council to Avon and Somerset police, who will decide whether or not to charge the government whip and former solicitor.

The candidate, who has been charged by the Labour party with managing and encouraging on-message tweets, deleted the message within minutes, and apologised.

“On hearing the results of a random and unscientific sample of postal votes, I posted them on Twitter,” she said.

“It was a thoughtless thing to do, and I very quickly realised that it was not appropriate to put such information in the public domain.

“Because this was not official information, and no votes had been counted, I thought of it as being akin to canvass returns, ie telling people how well we were doing with Labour promises on the doorstep, but I appreciate now it was wrong to do so.”

Section 66 of the 1983 Representation of the People Act forbids “any statement relating to the way in which voters have voted at the election” before polls close.

Read the rest of this entry

Brownfall The UK Election Gaffe To End Them All

Hat tip BrownandBust for the poster.

The curse of Jonah Brown struck again today, this time on Jonah himself.

Totally forgetting that he has a radio mic on Brown gets into the car muttering “What a disaster” and “that woman is bigoted”, and quickly commited the political equivalent of farting in front of the Queen at an Investiture.

Google now has 430,000+  entries for the biggest political gaffe in living memory.

Gillian Duffy had dared to mention immigration to Brown, just a few months ago anyone who dared mention immigration was branded a racist.

Labour claim to have sorted immigration, how can this be when the Labour leader’s, in private and thus real reaction is to call someone a “bigot”? Read the rest of this entry

More Shame On Labour Kevan Jones Apologises To Joanna Lumley

Gordon Brown and Labour’s record with our armed forces has been nothing short of disgusting.

At Chilcot Brown lied about defence spending, Labour Ministers have conducted smears and lies campaigns against serving General Officers and members of the their families, repeated Freedom Of Information requests have been filed about expense claims for officers by some of the worst Labour troughers in the MPs Expenses scandal.

Then there was shameful case of the Gurkhas and the campaign by Joanna Lumley that caused a U turn by Gordon Brown and much seething resentment and a desire for payback against Joanna Lumley.

Sky News reports today:

The actress hit back at Defence Minister Kevan Jones, who accused her of “deathly silence” over allegations UK-bound Gurkhas were being forced to pay hundreds of pounds in legal advice in Nepal.

Mr Jones apologised to Ms Lumley’s in a statement saying:

“I am sorry if any offence was caused – this was not intended.” Read the rest of this entry

Labour Lies And Smears Machine In Full Swing Again

Adeela Shafi smeared by the Labour Machine

After an absence of a few months Gordon Brown and Labour’s smears and lies machine is in full mobilisation again, and as usual the target is a woman, in this case Conservative PPC Adeela Shafi.

A reasonable person would be forgiven for thinking that following on from Smeargate and the legal action against Gordon Brown’s personally hired pit viper Damian McBride, Labour would have learnt it’s lesson about making unfounded allegations.

During the Labour Party Conference there was speculation about the “Glorious return of Damian McBride“, though the use of glorious and McBride is the same sentence does smack of the oxymoron.

Consider the evidence: Conservative female politician, unfounded lies and smears, a well orchestrated campaign, there is a distinct whiff of grubby pit living here.

Gordon Brown and the Labour Party’s latest lies and smears campaign is being spearheaded by the Daily Mirror who in another display of the worst form of journalism have printed half truths and unresearched lies about Adeela Shafi.

Firstly the Mirror was tipped off by Labour HQ’s opposition research bods, Labour can’t afford much but they sure as hell are bringing in the dark artists. Labour bloggers and twitter users have confirmed to TB that they were tipped off by Victoria Street and asked to heavily promote the story. Cough. The whole day will then end in a phonebanking session for Kerry run directly out of Labour’s Victoria Street HQ.

The Mirror piece is an extremely lazy piece of journalism.

So here’s the problem – at this point there’s no evidence that Adeela Shafi owes a penny, but there’s a very clear implication from the Mirror that she owes £324,272. I’ve set out above why I think all the Mirror has is a CCJ register search – which can’t support that implication. You can defame by implication, of course, and an implication that someone has failed to pay a substantial amount despite a judgement is plainly defamatory.

Hat tip to Tory Bear