Category Archives: Green Environmental Holocaust

Warmist Institute Admits That An Effective Climate Agreement In 2015 Is Not Likely

What little science there ever was behind man made global warming has been shown to be wrong, yet the Green political machine still thunders on.

What little science there ever was behind man made global warming has been shown to be wrong, yet the Green political machine still thunders on.

More bad news for warming alarmist central, this time from a pillar of the Church of Climatology, the Norway based Center for International Climate and Environmental Research (Cicero).

A report by Cicero has concluded that the chances of an effective international treaty being signed in 2015, are about as likely as the Arctic being ice free in 2012, or was it 2020?

The world is actually further away from a climate deal than it was 16 years ago when the Kyoto Protocol was adopted, decades of the annual UN Climate Circus have achieved nothing it is against this background that the Cicero researchers decided to try an ascertain what an effective climate agreement would consist of.

Their findings are really bad news for the UN backed AGW boondoggle: Read the rest of this entry

Ban Ki-Moon Climate Summit – Chinese President Not Going

The latest world leader to snub Ban Ki-moons climate summit is Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The latest world leader to snub Ban Ki-moons climate summit is Chinese President Xi Jinping.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon announced last year that he was holding an informal Climate Summit to try and keep the great man made climate change boondoggle alive.

As the date for the summit, September 23rd draws closer so world leaders are backing out of attending the summit, India’s new Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced he will not be attending as he would have nothing to do afterwards.

Another no show will be German Chancellor Angela Merkel, British Prime Minister David Cameron is making excuses about Scottish Referendum on Independence although US President Barack Obama will be attending.

The latest no show is Chinese President Xi Jinping: Read the rest of this entry

Communicating Climate Change Without The Scary Green Monsters (Oxymoron)

Big Green is wondering again if the stories of scary Green monsters are really working with the public in the developed world. They wondered this before, but there problem is their political agenda is founded on fear.

Big Green is wondering again if the stories of scary Green monsters are really working with the public in the developed world. They have wondered this before, but the problem is their political agenda is founded on fear.

If you cry wolf as the fable goes people listen, if however, you keep crying wolf and the wolf never turns up and eats the sheep then eventually people cease to listen.

Here is the crux of the problem facing the Green propaganda machine, not one of their Green Armageddon scenarios has ever come pass, the Arctic was going to ice free by 2012, when that failed happen the date changed to 2020 and then moved on to 2058.

Our children would not know what snow was, there were 50 days to save the world which eventually evolved into 120 months to save the world.

It was Climategate that did the damage to the Green Dream, and in the years since then, the fear stories have been ramped up, where  every extreme weather event is immediately linked to Anthropogenic Global Warming, by the new Green science of attribution.

Attribution is a simple science that most people can comprehend, it goes like this everything that has ever happened, or will happen in the future is caused by man made climate change.

In reality it is the science of predictive fear, underlined by the hope a major natural disaster will occur, and that the Greens can profit from the ensuing human misery.  Puts a whole new slant on “I told you so.” Read the rest of this entry

Environmentalists – Airline Ticket Prices Need To Soar To Drive Down Demand

Latest Green environmental report on flying says ticket prices will need to rise sharply to drive down demand to reduce CO2 emissions.

Latest Green environmental report on flying says ticket prices will need to rise sharply to drive down demand to reduce CO2 emissions.

The environmentalists are back on the air travel theme again, a couple of years after the EU’s failed attempt to introduce a flying tax crashed and burned.

This latest report from the University of Southampton is a classic Green works with the usual suppositions, assumptions, massaged data and the final appeal to authority to enforce the reports findings.

Any campaign be it political or military, depends upon winning the hearts and minds of those you seek to join with you, it is one of the blessings of the human condition that authoritarians have through out history failed to grasp this important point.

Make no mistake about it, Greens and environmentalists are all about authority, they continually want their belief system enforced upon the rest of the population by taxation or law, frequently both. Read the rest of this entry

UK Cuts Climate Diplomacy Budget By 39%

US Secretary of State John Kerry and former UK Foreign Secretary William Hague both believe that AGW is 95% human caused, yet during Hague's tenure climate diplomacy funding was cut by 39%

US Secretary of State John Kerry and former UK Foreign Secretary William Hague both believe that AGW is 95% human caused, yet during Hague’s tenure climate diplomacy funding was cut by 39%

This latest piece of news for Big Green is going to cause “unprecedented” levels of Green outrage and wailing, already at record levels over Australia dumping its Green carbon tax.

Now it transpire the UK has dared to cut its budget for promoting climate religion overseas by 39%, and to make matters worse, all this took place while a believer in the cult of man made climate change was Foreign Secretary.

The Greens, rent seekers and crony capitalists, sometimes called the Green Blob are shocked that these drastic cuts will shatter the UK’s image as a global leader in the fight against the non existent problem of Anthropogenic Global Warming.

One of the memes continually pushed by the warming alarmist industry is the old Liberal/Socialist myth of leading by example, we will lead the way and the rest of the population will follow inspired by the moral superiority and nobleness of our cause.

The only problem with the leading way theory is no one follows, after years of leading the way in January 2014 it dawned on European Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger that: Read the rest of this entry

UK Guardian Admits That Climate Change Is A Left Wing Agenda

After years of being told, contrary to all the available evidence,  that Climate Alarmism was embraced by all political spectruns, the UK Guardian now admits that the right have a problem with it.

After years of being told, contrary to all the available evidence, that Climate Alarmism was embraced by all political spectruns, the UK Guardian now admits that the right have a problem with it.

The repeal last week of Australia’s ill conceived Carbon Tax has had the Big Green propaganda machine running around in circles trying to perform a damage limitation exercise.

The warming alarmists, Green rent seekers and crony capitalists know there is more bad news coming for their sacred Emissions Trading Systems (ETS) and Carbon taxes, New Zealand is likely to dump its ETS, one of oldest ETS in the world. South Korea is also getting cold feet about its ETS with the deputy Prime Minister Choi Kyung-hwan saying his country’s ETS was “flawed in many ways“.

The warming alarmist industry have always maintained that the irrational fear of CO2 was embraced by all political spectrums, though as time has gone by this particular Green Lie, like so many other Green lies that have come before and after it, has been shown to be just that, a lie.

The UK Guardian in a strong piece of wish projection journalism, by Gaia’s representative on Planet Earth, Damian “Head of Environment” Carrington now admit that the right have a problem with Anthropogenic Global Warming. Read the rest of this entry

Enviornmentalists Should Use Emotion, Not Science, To Convince Others Of Global Warming

Environmentalist George Marshall. To convince people that global warming is a threat, use “your personal conviction as a friend, colleague or neighbor” to make your case — avoid using scientific arguments

Environmentalist George Marshall. To convince people that global warming is a threat, use “your personal conviction as a friend, colleague or neighbor” to make your case — avoid using scientific arguments

A cynic would most probably argue, rightly it must be said, that for years those with an obsessive fear of CO2 have been using emotion suitably laced with cherry picked junk science to convince others of their beliefs.

The emotion most favoured by Gaia’s disciples is fear, their stories always follow the same plot line, could and probably,  now mean will most definitely happen, and we should all be terrified of the outcome of their predictions.

That to date not one single Green doomsday scenario has come to pass matters not to the warming alarmists, previously failed predictions are swept under the responsibly sourced bamboo matting and a new cry of Green wolf shrilly broadcast.

How many times has the Arctic going to be ice free by this date and then that date?

All the fear stories and junk science have failed to carry the message to the masses, now Environmentalist George Marshall believes he has the answer halt the decline in Climate Religion: Read the rest of this entry

Keystone XL On Track To Be The Biggest Green Defeat Since Records Began


The secret of any campaign be it military, or in this case Green protest is to pick a fight you can realistically win, otherwise you are likely to have your own Battle of the Little Big Horn and join George Armstrong Custer in ignominious defeat.

Keystone XL is a 1700 mile pipeline that will stretch from Alberta in Canada to refineries in Texas and Oklahoma, the pipeline will be buried 4 feet underground and have switch off points every 20 miles.

The Greens and warming alarmists decided that the Keystone XL pipeline was going to be their battle, they would defeat the pipeline and the evil oil sands of Alberta would forever stay in the ground, failure to obey the Greens would naturally lead to catastrophic global warming and the whole planet would fry as a consequence.

The warming alarmists and their scientists expected the great Green hope, Barack Obama would live up to his Green rhetoric and a put a stop to the whole project. Read the rest of this entry

A Week in Green Warming Alarmist World – Communism, Fear and Blame


If 2013 was the worst for the Big Green Machine since records began, then 2014 is rapidly shaping up to be an even worse year with the Green decline slipping into hyper drive as more politicians run away from the Green Agenda.

There have been far too many Green stories to write about all of them so here goes with a weekly roundup.

First off the blocks is Christiana Figueres head of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) who thinks that the only answer to stop the global warming that isn’t happening is Communism. Figueres is a long time communist and protegé of the late Hugo Chavez, and was among those that cheered Chavez’s infamous COP15 silent and terrible ghost in the room speech which referred to capitalism and democracy.

Being Green is all about blame and fear, blaming someone or something so that you have something to fear, bread and butter to the warming alarmist industry. So no surprises then in a new Green report they have finally decided on a country to blame for Global Warming Read the rest of this entry

Green NGO – Public Bored And Disinterested By Climate Change Fear Stories

Climate Outreach and Information Network (COIN) - "civil society is exhausted by Climate Change fear stories"

Climate Outreach and Information Network (COIN) – “civil society is exhausted by Climate Change fear stories”

As the Anthropogenic Global Warming boondoggle continues to collapse, the Greens and others complicit in the warming alarmist industry are busily looking for reasons for their failure to convince people of the validity of their message.

After more the 20 years of Mainstream Media outlets continually pumping out every bit of Green propaganda no matter how ludicrous, interest in the Global Warming has continued to decline, to the point where most people’s eyes glaze over at the mere mention of the topic.

The Climate Outreach and Information Network (COIN) based in Oxford specializes in propagating Green Fear stories, sometimes called climate change communication, and one of their co-founders George Marshall knows just how difficult it is to engage anyone in a discussion about the irrational fear of CO2: Read the rest of this entry