Category Archives: Oh FFS

Hug A Wind Turbine Or There Will Be Global Drought By 2040

According to a new report by Professor Benjamin Sovacool of Denmark's Aarhus University unless the word moves to all wind solar there will be global drought by 2040.

According to a new report by Professor Benjamin Sovacool of Denmark’s Aarhus University unless the word moves to all wind solar there will be global drought by 2040.

The continued disintegration of the Global Warming Climate Change Climate Disruption Climate Weirding industry is picking up speed as another corner stone of the scam, scientific consensus shatters.

A new survey of over 1000 earth scientists shows that only 36%, agreed with the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that humans are main the cause of the non existent global warming.

The warming alarmist response was the usual scream of outrage and then tenuous reasons were offered as to why the earth scientists were not representative of science at all. It cannot be long until roaming squads of Green Feldgendarmerie are hanging traitorous scientists from lamp posts, until all that is left are the 76 scientists that form the mythical 97% consensus.

Running hand in hand with the vicious and vitriolic of course is the patently ludicrous, is this case, a report about fossil fueled electricity generation causing the world to run out of water by 2040.

The author fails the Green test of impartiality, but why worry about double standards when your noble cause is saving the world, the end justifies the means as the saying goes. Read the rest of this entry

Climate Science Wrong For 120 Years

Climate Science predicted in 1895 a new ice age, by 1902 the glaciers were melting and by 1912 the ice age was back.

Climate Science predicted in 1895 a new ice age, by 1902 the glaciers were melting and by 1912 the ice age was back.

Predicting the end of the world is part of the human condition, people have always been convinced Doomsday was just around the corner. From the soothsayers of Roman times casting their runes and reading animal entrails predicting global apocalypse to the soothsayers climate scientists soothsayers of the 21st Century casting their digital runes and predicting global apocalypse.

Despite the passage of 20 Centuries the modern day rune casters are no more accurate than their distant ancestors were, the expensive and religiously revered “Computer Models” have yet to predict any event that has actually happened, yet their erroneous results still trump observed empirical evidence.

The Climate Change catastrophe is not a new phenomenon, it first appeared as we know it today in the closing years of the 19th Century: Read the rest of this entry

Greenpeace In Decline Like The AGW Scam They Support

Dr Patrick Moore “They have a whole fleet of ships, pretending the $32 million Rainbow Warrior III is powered by the wind when it has two large diesel engines for propulsion. I like to joke that when we first sailed against US hydrogen bomb testing in Alaska we did not have a nuclear weapon on board."

Dr Patrick Moore “They have a whole fleet of ships, pretending the $32 million Rainbow Warrior III is powered by the wind when it has two large diesel engines for propulsion. I like to joke that when we first sailed against US hydrogen bomb testing in Alaska we did not have a nuclear weapon on board.”

Things have not been going well for environmental NGO Greenpeace in the last few months, there was the insanely stupid attempt to interfere with Gazprom operations in the Arctic, which led to the Arctic 30 enjoying the hospitality of the Russian penal system for a few months. Greenpeace also lost a ship, the Arctic Sunrise which is still impounded in the Russian port of Murmansk, and likely to be there until it rusts away and sinks, or ends life as a towed target for the Russian Navy.

In the words of Greenpeace Co-Founder Patrick MooreI’d like to think that Greenpeace left me, rather than the other way round. I became a sensible environmentalist. Greenpeace became increasingly senseless.

Greenpeace apart from being increasingly senseless have also been caught losing millions in donations by failed currency trading, been labelled as a threat to national economic security, and one of their top executives has been caught out hypocritically commuting by air from Luxembourg to Amsterdam.

All this makes for very bad publicity for Greenpeace: Read the rest of this entry

The Green Cancer In Government – UK Environment Agency Putting Birds Before Humans

The main railway line between Exeter and Plymouth swings in the wind because the UK Environment Agency could not act to protect the line until it had carried out an impact assessment on local bird life.

The main railway line between Exeter and Plymouth swings in the wind because the UK Environment Agency could not act to protect the line until it had carried out an impact assessment on local bird life.

The stranglehold that environmentalism and being Green has on government departments in the western world has reached epidemic proportions of stupidity, or to put it another way the clowns have taken over the circus.

Much of Britain, and especially the south west has been submerged in flood water for weeks now, the Somerset Levels are not far off of joining Atlantis.

There are many complex and interlinked reasons as to why the floods have been so bad, one of the most significant is the lack of dredging of the rivers which in the case of the Somerset Levels stopped some 25 years ago. Dredging while solving one problem upstream can lead to further problems downstream caused by the increased flow of water as it heads to the sea.

On the never ending news reports from the flooded areas many people have been heard to say that the Environment Agency is putting birds before humans, now a group of Peers has revealed that in a meeting they were told by Environment Agency officials that no steps to protect the only rail link between Exeter and Plymouth could be taken, until an impact assessment had been carried out on the local sea birds. Read the rest of this entry

Stupid Is As Stupid Does: UK Guardian – Planet’s Atmosphere Is Half-Full Of Carbon

The UK Guardian had several extra helpings of stupid before plumbing new depths of compostable journalism.

The UK Guardian had several extra helpings of stupid before plumbing new depths of Green junk journalism.

The collapse of the warming alarmist industry continues unabated with one of the last bastions of the dying Climate Fad, the EU, failing to commit economic suicide at a suitably fast pace for environmentalists and Green NGO’s.

The immediate reaction for Liberals and Greens when their aspirations are not fully met and pandered to, is outrage; the problem with outrage is that being an intense emotion it clouds judgement, thinking and writing.

This latest piece from the Head of the Environment (has anyone told Gaia?) Damian Carrington at the Guardian falls in to just that category: Read the rest of this entry

A Week in Green Warming Alarmist World – Communism, Fear and Blame


If 2013 was the worst for the Big Green Machine since records began, then 2014 is rapidly shaping up to be an even worse year with the Green decline slipping into hyper drive as more politicians run away from the Green Agenda.

There have been far too many Green stories to write about all of them so here goes with a weekly roundup.

First off the blocks is Christiana Figueres head of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) who thinks that the only answer to stop the global warming that isn’t happening is Communism. Figueres is a long time communist and protegé of the late Hugo Chavez, and was among those that cheered Chavez’s infamous COP15 silent and terrible ghost in the room speech which referred to capitalism and democracy.

Being Green is all about blame and fear, blaming someone or something so that you have something to fear, bread and butter to the warming alarmist industry. So no surprises then in a new Green report they have finally decided on a country to blame for Global Warming Read the rest of this entry

Now About The Coming Ice Age

The MV Akademik Shokalskiy aka Ship of Fools icebound in Antartica. Expedition leader Chris Turney apart from being a warming alarmist scientist also has business interests in a company called Carbonscape which promotes Green products.

The MV Akademik Shokalskiy aka Ship of Fools icebound in Antartica. Expedition leader Chris Turney apart from being a warming alarmist scientist also has business interests in a company called Carbonscape which promotes Green products.

The whole world has had a chance to have a long laugh at the antics of a bunch of warming alarmists scientists and Green propagandists from the BBC and The Guardian getting trapped in Antarctic sea ice.

The stupidity and religious belief in their own propaganda got these Green fools into a mess of their own making, which has happily ended with no loss of life or injury, just a huge amount of carbon pollution from dirty ships bunker fuel, and aviation emissions from the Chinese helicopter that rescued the fools.

The explanations as to why the ice was so thick have ranged from the ludicrous “Sea ice is disappearing due to climate change but here it is building up“, once the global laughter had died down Turney admitted it was weather not climate that had caused the huge build up in Antarctic sea ice.

So the big question is are we headed for a new ice age? Read the rest of this entry

Greenpeace’s Santa Has A Splattergate Moment

Tis the season to be jolly unless of course you are a joyless Green climate zealot in which case tis the season to try to frighten children.

This latest video from Greenpeace has Downton Abbey actor Jim Carter (the butler) doing an impression of Saddam Hussein dressed as Santa broadcasting from a bunker during an air raid.

“Dear children, regrettably I bring bad tidings,” the Greenpeace “Santa” says, speaking from what looks like a stark, dimly lit bunker. “For some time now, melting ice here at the North Pole has made our operations and our day-to-day life intolerable and impossible, and there may be no alternative but to cancel Christmas.

Read the rest of this entry

COP19 Postmortem – Bring On The Green Turd Polish

Even sprinkling glitter on COP19 won't make a shine.

Even sprinkling glitter on COP19 won’t make a shine, dull or otherwise

The COP19 Climate Circus has finally ended, despite the Greens and wealth re-distributors setting the bar for success this year, even lower than in previous years, COP19 still failed to deliver.

The pattern for acrimony was set at COP15, Copenhagen in 2009 and in each successive COP meeting the acrimony and bickering has got worse, culminating in the unelected Green NGOs walking out of COP19 after the wealth re-distribution scam know as loss and damage failed to gain much traction.

COP19 was a disaster, just as much on the global stage as in the stadium in Warsaw.

Overshadowed by coal in Poland, 60 countries did not send ministers to COP19 thus preventing any global agreement from being signed, Australia and Canada said they were not going to give any more money away, Japan decided to reduce its CO2 ambitions drastically and in Britain David “Call me Dave” Cameron was oozing snake oil and possibly muttering darkly about Green Crap.

Against this background COP19 headed into overtime and at the eleventh hour, for the fifth successive time, produced an agreement that was worth less than the paper it was printed on. Read the rest of this entry

COP19 – Green NGOs To Walk Out Of The Climate Circus

Green NGOs are set to walk out of COP19 talks due to lack to progress in wealth redistribution.

Green NGOs are set to walk out of COP19 talks due to lack to progress in wealth redistribution.

After years of having a hysterical mainstream media pushing the Green fear meme, having politicians desperate to placate their shrill demands the Green NGOs like Greenpeace, WWF, FoE et al are having a tough time adapting to the new reality.

The writing first appeared on the wall at COP18 for the Green NGOs, when their interruptions to the climate talks was for the first time limited to just 30 seconds. A year later and the reality has still not sunk in, Green NGOs are now irrelevant to the COP negotiating process, despite still weaving their Green propaganda and junk science into IPCC Assessment Reports.

COP19 was always going to deliver absolutely nothing,even before the Boy King Obama killed off wealth redistribution loss and damage which effectively delivered the coup de grâce. Read the rest of this entry