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COP19 – Green NGOs To Walk Out Of The Climate Circus

Green NGOs are set to walk out of COP19 talks due to lack to progress in wealth redistribution.

Green NGOs are set to walk out of COP19 talks due to lack to progress in wealth redistribution.

After years of having a hysterical mainstream media pushing the Green fear meme, having politicians desperate to placate their shrill demands the Green NGOs like Greenpeace, WWF, FoE et al are having a tough time adapting to the new reality.

The writing first appeared on the wall at COP18 for the Green NGOs, when their interruptions to the climate talks was for the first time limited to just 30 seconds. A year later and the reality has still not sunk in, Green NGOs are now irrelevant to the COP negotiating process, despite still weaving their Green propaganda and junk science into IPCC Assessment Reports.

COP19 was always going to deliver absolutely nothing,even before the Boy King Obama killed off wealth redistribution loss and damage which effectively delivered the coup de grâce. Read the rest of this entry

Greenpeace In Russia – Welcome To The Gulag

The Russian Coastguard fires warning shots at the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise last Thursday.

The Russian Coastguard fires warning shots at the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise last Thursday.

The story of Greenpeace’s major miscalculation in boarding a Russian oil rig has dropped off the news in most western MSM outlets, however the story is still very much alive and kicking.

Greenpeace’s ship Arctic Sunrise is currently under tow by a Russian tugboat after the ship’s captain refused to steer the ship, and is due to dock in the northern Russian port of Murmansk sometime on Tuesday, after bad weather allegedly caused the tug to slow down.

The crew of the Arctic Sunrise is under arrest in the mess room of the ship and all 30 activists including 4 Russian nationals have been held incommunicado ever since they were arrested.

The future, or lack of future, for the Green activists appears to be in the hands of a little known organization called the Investigative Committee: Read the rest of this entry

Pointless Green Gesture Politics – Earth Hour

Every hour of every night is Earth Hour in North Korea where a subsidized economy run on the lines of the Green Dream fails to deliver enough wealth to keep the lights on at night.

Every hour of every night is Earth Hour in North Korea where a subsidized economy run on the lines of the Green Dream fails to deliver enough wealth to keep the lights on at night.

The time for another pointless Green gesture is upon us, again, today at 8:30pm local time across the planet the WWF have declared that it is Earth Hour, where for 1 hour we are all supposed to turn off the lights, sit in the dark and get used to how life would be, in a Green world with a Green global economy.

Since the first Earth Hour in 2007 the event has been in decline, last year’s Earth Hour was a spectacular non event, this year sees some changes in Australia where some buildings will be lit with a Green light to symbolize the commitment to renewable energy, then are even prizes on offer to towns that make the most pledges to switch to intermittent renewable energy, the towns can win solar panel systems, so Earth Hour is good preparation for getting used to sitting in the dark when the sun goes down.

The WWF insist that Earth Hour is not about saving energy, but about making a Green gesture: Read the rest of this entry

Global Fear Of CO2 Is At A 20 Year Low

All the Green Armageddon events that were supposed to happen, and never have.

All the Green Armageddon events that were supposed to happen, and never have.

A new survey by Globescan of 22,812 people in 22 countries, including Britain and the US makes depressing reading for Big Green, fear of CO2 is at a 20 year low, and this is despite billions of dollars being wasted on junk science projects with a preordained political result, and all gilded with never ending fear stories about impending environmental holocaust.

Ever since the failure of COP15 Copenhagen, in 2009 the whole warming alarmist movement has been in accelerating decline, each successive COP meeting building on the failure of its predecessor, attempts of reignite the Rio Earth summit some 20 years later, with a new meme “sustainable development” crashed and burned on take off.

Now the warming alarmists are at a loss to understand how this could be, after all that money, all that fear based Green propaganda, all those ad hominem attacks and straw man arguments, the world no longer buys in to the Anthropogenic Global Warming boondoggle. Read the rest of this entry

Wow! CO2 Makes Volcanoes Erupt

The power of Carbon Dioxide, according to the teachings of the Church of Climatology

The power of Carbon Dioxide, according to the teachings of the Church of Climatology

For an inert trace gas which comprises just 0.04% of Earths atmosphere, CO2 has some incredible properties and powers attributed to it by the superstitious believers of the cult of Anthropogenic Global Warming.

The decline of Climate Religion has meant desperate measures for desperate times, most desperate measures, are in reality no more than a Forlorn Hope, take for example the warming alarmist tactic of event attribution.

Every extreme weather event of recent years has been attributed to CO2 induced global warming, event attribution as it is referred to was started by once Green Pope, and now major Green embarrassment Al Gore, and since that moment has become the trumpet call of all the major players in the scam, including EU Climate Commissar Connie Hedegaard, Christiana Figueres, Ban Ki-Moon, almost to the point where everyone involved in the Green cabal is an attributionist. Read the rest of this entry

COP18 Postmortem – Green NGOs Despair

COP18 President Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Attiyah closes yet another failed UN Climate Conference

COP18 President Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Attiyah closes yet another failed UN Climate Conference

COP18 was even by the standards of the UNFCCC, a spectacular failure, the delegates left Doha without any of the major emitters making a new pledge to cut the CO2 emissions.

There never were high expectations of COP18 producing a new binding agreement, but those attending were expecting some progress.

Instead they got absolutely nothing, and now the Green warming alarmists are in despair, no matter how loud or often they cry “Wolf”, no one listens any more: Read the rest of this entry

COP18 The Banshee Wail Of The Green NGOs

The wail of the Banshee for the death of the UN Climate Change scam.

The wail of the Banshee for the death of the UN Climate Change scam.

Legend has it that a Banshee is a fairy woman who starts to wail when someone is about die, the Banshee legend is found in many cultures from Gaelic to Norse and American folklore.

With COP18 due to finish tomorrow and no positive outcome for the warmists in sight, a coalition of Green NGOs including the usual suspects of Greenpeace, WWF, FoE and Oxfam have joined together to wail loudly about the lack of progress at COP18, when in reality their wailing is for the death of the Great Man Made Global Warming scam. Read the rest of this entry

WWF “David Cameron Must Break His Silence On Climate Change”

Dave bothering a husky on Svalbard in 2006 on a trip organised by impartial environment group WWF

The world was a different place in 2006, the Anthropogenic Global Warming fad was still new and shiny, when the WWF took then leader of Her Majesty’s opposition David “Call me Dave” Cameron to Svalbard to see the effects of man made global warming in the Arctic.

Cameron like any other vote seeking politician saw the Green fear stories of man made environmental holocaust as a vote winner, and before long Dave was bothering huskies, putting wind turbines on his roof and having the Conservative Party logo changed to a green tree; Vote Blue Go Green was the crass logo on Conservative Party T-shirts of the time.

Cameron along with Ed Miliband, Gordon Brown and many other leading politicians were instrumental in crafting and getting the disastrous Climate Change Act 2008 passed by Parliament.

When the Vichy coalition government was formed Dave was going to be the “fourth minister” at the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC). Read the rest of this entry

Friends Of The Earth – Britain Must Not Have Shale Gas

The appointment of Owen Paterson as Environment Secretary last week caused significant upset and turmoil in watermelon world.

Paterson has spoken out in the past about ending subsidies for the Green renewable energy boondoggle and fast tracking shale gas, which according to Monbiot is a declaration of war on the environment.

Now Friends of the Earth, RSPB and the WWF have joined the wailing and gnashing of Green teeth: Read the rest of this entry

Bonn – Another UNFCCC Epic Failure

Pre Rio+20 climate talks in Bonn, another epic fail for the UNFCCC headed by Christiana Figueres

Poor old Global Warming Climate Change Climate Disruption Climate Change after so many name changes and failed cataclysmic events, Climate Change has been dropped for “sustainable development” and publicly demoted by such luminaries as Barack Hussein Obama.

The purpose of the 2 week long meeting in Bonn was to set the framework and agenda for the next big warming alarmist meeting, the Rio+20 Earth Summit  next month, when the Green climate zealots will ignore the possibilities of video conferencing and hypocritically emit tons of CO2 when 50,000 of them get into those evil winged machines and fly to Brazil.

The Bonn meeting was supposed to prepare the way for the bright new shiny Green scam of sustainable development, instead there was no agreement about anything really, and what little progress there was at COP17 Durban started to unravel: Read the rest of this entry