Category Archives: Sustainable Development

Communicating Climate Change Without The Scary Green Monsters (Oxymoron)

Big Green is wondering again if the stories of scary Green monsters are really working with the public in the developed world. They wondered this before, but there problem is their political agenda is founded on fear.

Big Green is wondering again if the stories of scary Green monsters are really working with the public in the developed world. They have wondered this before, but the problem is their political agenda is founded on fear.

If you cry wolf as the fable goes people listen, if however, you keep crying wolf and the wolf never turns up and eats the sheep then eventually people cease to listen.

Here is the crux of the problem facing the Green propaganda machine, not one of their Green Armageddon scenarios has ever come pass, the Arctic was going to ice free by 2012, when that failed happen the date changed to 2020 and then moved on to 2058.

Our children would not know what snow was, there were 50 days to save the world which eventually evolved into 120 months to save the world.

It was Climategate that did the damage to the Green Dream, and in the years since then, the fear stories have been ramped up, where  every extreme weather event is immediately linked to Anthropogenic Global Warming, by the new Green science of attribution.

Attribution is a simple science that most people can comprehend, it goes like this everything that has ever happened, or will happen in the future is caused by man made climate change.

In reality it is the science of predictive fear, underlined by the hope a major natural disaster will occur, and that the Greens can profit from the ensuing human misery.  Puts a whole new slant on “I told you so.” Read the rest of this entry

Climate Science Wrong For 120 Years

Climate Science predicted in 1895 a new ice age, by 1902 the glaciers were melting and by 1912 the ice age was back.

Climate Science predicted in 1895 a new ice age, by 1902 the glaciers were melting and by 1912 the ice age was back.

Predicting the end of the world is part of the human condition, people have always been convinced Doomsday was just around the corner. From the soothsayers of Roman times casting their runes and reading animal entrails predicting global apocalypse to the soothsayers climate scientists soothsayers of the 21st Century casting their digital runes and predicting global apocalypse.

Despite the passage of 20 Centuries the modern day rune casters are no more accurate than their distant ancestors were, the expensive and religiously revered “Computer Models” have yet to predict any event that has actually happened, yet their erroneous results still trump observed empirical evidence.

The Climate Change catastrophe is not a new phenomenon, it first appeared as we know it today in the closing years of the 19th Century: Read the rest of this entry

The Classic Green Non Story – Coal Assets Could Be Halved If…..

Coal assets could be worth less than half of their current market value if the world agrees tougher climate targets according to a report by the bank HSBC

Coal assets could be worth less than half of their current market value if the world agrees tougher climate targets according to a report by the bank HSBC

If is the middle word in life” said Marlon Brando’s character Colonel Kilgore in the movie Apocalypse Now.

Generations of computer programmers know If is a conditional, as in the conditional If, used in many programming languages, only in warming alarmist world are conditionals an absolute, where if and could, are actually synonyms for will.

When you couple this skewing of language with vested interests reporting on vested interests, you end up with the a classic Green non story like “Value of coal assets ‘could be halved’ if world goes low-carbon“.

Conditionals are of course based upon probability, and obviously there is a chance that the entire world could decide to believe the Green meme, leave fossil fuel reserves in the ground and decide to follow a dimly lit future based upon intermittent Green approved energy generation.

The big question, is it likely? Read the rest of this entry

Warmists Already Lowering Expectations For 2015 COP21 Agreement

The road map to COP21, note the beginning of the end of fossil fuel use scheduled for 2016.

The road map to COP21, note the beginning of the end of fossil fuel use scheduled for 2016.

There was a departure last year at COP19 with the warming alarmist industry scaling down the expectations of exactly what COP19 would achieve, which was just well, because in addition to being the 5th successive UNFCCC COP meeting in a row to crash and burn, COP19 showed the cracks appearing in the Green agenda.

All the Green NGOs and other self proclaimed representatives of civil society, walked out of the meeting when the western world refused to pay trillions of dollars in so called “Climate Justice” money. The cake was then truly iced with an awesome bout of name calling between Venezuela and the EU Climate Commissar Connie Hedegaard, who blamed Hedegaard not only for the failure of COP19, but also COP15.

The spectre of COP15 haunts the warming alarmist pysche, the high water mark of Green ambition, it has all been downhill since 2009.

So ingrained into the Green collective memory is COP15, they now believe that politicians will not reach a meaningful deal because they are frightened of having another COP15 debacle at COP21. Read the rest of this entry

The Green Sting – Now Tim Yeo Is Gone

Green arrogance comes before a fall as Green profiteer and lobbyist Tim Yeo departs the pointless Energy and Climate Change Committee.

Green arrogance comes before a fall as Green profiteer and lobbyist Tim Yeo departs the pointless Energy and Climate Change Committee.

OK I will admit that it is really difficult to type when you are laughing so hard, and let’s be honest there is one hell of a lot to laugh about here.

A Green profiteer and lobbyist whose appointment to the Energy and Climate Change Committee was a gigantic conflict of interest in the first place, was so confident and arrogant in his being Green, that he fell foul of one of the oldest tricks in the book, he was caught on tape by journalists in a sting, bragging about how  he was the Great I Am.

This is the same Green profiteer and lobbyist who tabled an amendment to the recent Energy Bill to totally decarbonise Britain’s electricity generation by 2030, an amendment that had it been passed would as they say, have been a nice little earner for Yeo and his Green cronies, all paid for by more jobs lost and more families pushed into energy poverty by ever rising electricity bills.

Now Yeo is gone Read the rest of this entry

Britain’s Climate Change Fool Pontificates About Climate Change

Brtain's Climate Change fool Liberal Democrat minister Ed Davey preaches to the warming alarmists at the Met Office Hadley Center.

Britain’s  Climate Change fool Liberal Democrat minister Ed Davey preaches to the warming alarmists at the Met Office Hadley Center.

Britain’s very own Climate Change fool, Liberal Democrat Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Ed Davey is on the warpath against the heretical non believers in his Climate Religion.

According to Davey the right wing media provides a platform for AGW sceptics to have their point of view heard, this is of course outrageous to Davey’s mind, enfeebled as it is by Liberal thought processes. The twenty years of pro AGW propaganda from most mainstream media outlets, the continuing sycophancy for the AGW scam by the tax payer funded BBC, Channel 4 and the Guardian are not enough for Davey and the other warming alarmists, who want nothing more than a total news blackout on anything that contradicts the religious scriptures of Nicholas Stern, Michael E Mann, Phil Jones et al.

Anything that contradicts the scriptures of Anthropogenic Global Warming, like observed empirical evidence for example, something to be avoided at all costs.

Davey’s campaign continued with a speech to the warming alarmists at the UK Met Office Hadley center where Read the rest of this entry

The Great Climate Change Scam – The Decline In A Month Is Incredible

Our children will not know what a wind turbine was

Our children will not know what a wind turbine was

Having had a month off blogging and really taking no  interest, in the news or the warming alarmists due to being very busy relocating, the decline of the AGW scam is quite amazing, when you read loads of new stories everyday you tend not to particularly notice the gradual decline, until some major event like Climategate or another UNFCC COP failure happens.

The old saying goes that a week in politics is a long time, well a month in the Anthropogenic Global Warming industry equates to several years of decline, as the move away from Green foolishness and stupidity accelerates in the last bastion of the Church of Climatology, Europe.

David Cameron and his “Greenest Government Ever” in Britain are being told to listen to Climate Change Skeptics, by none other than George Eustice MP, Dave’s very own Climate Change Adviser:

He said: “I am personally persuaded that there is a link between carbon emissions and climate change but it is essential that all perspectives in this argument are heard.

“I don’t like the way that legitimate, yet contrarian scientific opinion on the issue has been rubbished or ridiculed. Sometimes those who believe in climate change have foolishly undermined their own case.”

Eustice is like all the politicians, still hedging their political bets by saying they are personally persuaded in the existence of the big bad CO2 wolf that is so often summoned, yet never comes, while preparing to advise the British Government to implement policies that go directly against their personal persuasions, Read the rest of this entry

Sustainable Porridge – The Chris Huhne Story

Former  Liberal Democrat Climate Change Secretary and common criminal Christopher Murray Paul-Huhne arrives at his new home for the next few months,  Wandsworth jail

Former Liberal Democrat Climate Change Secretary and common criminal Christopher Murray Paul-Huhne arrives at his new home for the next few months, Wandsworth jail

Day 1 of captivity got off to a bad start for disgraced former Liberal Democrat Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne when a prison warder with a great sense of humor called Huhne to breakfast with a shout of “Order Order” over the prison Tannoy system, reminding Huhne of his days as a Cabinet Minister and Member of Parliament.

The warder then continued with “The right honourable member for Wandsworth North – down to the office,“, Huhne then left his cell to collect his meal while the other prisoners roared with laughter.

After breakfast Huhne’s day continued to go to hell in a handcart with his fellow convicts bullying and humiliating him, and, having found out that Huhne is a millionaire, they started badgering him for money.

All this was too much for Huhne who scuttled off to see the Governor of the prison where he asked to be moved to the wing where vulnerable prisoners are housed, for vulnerable prisoners read sex offenders, pedophiles and former police officers, the real low life scum of the prison system that even other criminals find offensive.

The problems with his fellow housemates are not Huhne’s only worries: Read the rest of this entry

Greenwalling – Prominent Warmists Block Climate Skeptics On Twitter

Because the debate is over, attempting to follow the EU's unelected Climate Commissar Connie Hedegaard.

Because the debate is over, attempting to follow the EU’s unelected Climate Commissar Connie Hedegaard.

In politics it is called Stonewalling, which the dictionary defines as “Delay or block (a request, process, or person) by refusing to answer questions or by giving evasive replies, esp. in politics.“, yesterday I noticed a Tweet from Steve Milloy at the JunkScience blog saying that the Michael E Mann of Hockey Stick and vicarious Nobel Prize fame had blocked JunkScience on Twitter.

A while ago the EU’s unelected Climate Commissar Connie Hedegaard Tweets dropped off my timeline and surprise, surprise, attempts to follow Comrade Connie are now blocked at the users request.

A similar thing happened with Climate Scientist Michael E Mann: Read the rest of this entry

Ed Miliband “I Like Wind Farms – Vote Labour”

Ed Miliband “Opposition to wind farms should become as socially unacceptable as failing to wear a seatbelt.”

From the outset Anthropogenic Global Warming was always an attractive political outlook for those on the left of the political spectrum, the anti capitalists, hippies, tree huggers, bunny botherers, politicians and the water walkers of the Green NGOs, in short AGW was always going to be big hit for those who go through life with a chest full of unexplored ideas as the core of their belief, or politically expedient,  belief system.

Prior to COP15 and Climategate there was no political doubt about Man Made Climate Change, however the timely release of emails from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) from the University of East Anglia (UEA) showed exactly what the so called climate scientists were up too, producing science to match a previously declared political intention called Agenda 21.

Since COP15 endled in failure the whole UN AGW boondoggle has continued to decline, the relentless failed predictions of environmental disaster and 16 years of no warming have continued to erode the political impetus that the Climate Change agenda once had.

As Climate Change has dropped off the mainstream global political agenda, so once again the left are donning their free trade sustainable ethically manufactured Green armour and getting back into the fear and doom scenarios so beloved by the Green environmental movement.

A case in point is the strange egg creature from Fraggle Rock Leader of Her Majesty’s opposition strange egg creature from Fraggle Rock that goes by the name of Ed Miliband: Read the rest of this entry