Category Archives: Cancun COP16

Climate Models Fail To Predict Past Catastrophes

Current computer models cannot predict Climate events of the past with known data

The Climate Models at the heart of warming alarmist religion are not nearly as accurate as the Church of Climatology would have us all believe.

If these computer models cant get the past correct, with known data then what value are their future predictions where there are huge unknowns? Read the rest of this entry

Al Gore Annouces New Climate Of Fear Campaign

Al Gore is back, with a new campaign that Gore hopes will reignite Global Warming Climate Disruption hysteria from the ironically renamed The Climate Reality Project (formerly the Alliance for Climate Protection), nothing like a good renaming to try and resell the same tired old lies. Read the rest of this entry

Climate Change – Round Up Of Last Weeks Stories

Its been awhile since Aardvark did a round up post, so: In Sweden people are totally bored with Climate Change, Global Warming, Climate Disruption or whatever it is called at this precise moment, Chris Huhne is now on some new Green crusade to persuade Ireland to host Britain’s wind farms or some other scheme to ensure expensive unreliable power supplies, Al Gore videos are mysteriously vanishing from YouTube and in Britain energy companies want subsidies for power stations as back up to wind farms: Read the rest of this entry

Chris Huhne Attacks Tory ‘Zealots’ Over Proposed Scrapping Of Green Laws

Hune's Tory colleagues plan to remove Green Laws as unnecessary regulation

Attila the Huhnatic is deeply unhappy about his Tory colleagues in the collation government and their plans to scrap unnecessary regulation and laws, because among the laws being considered for the junk yard are the disastrous Climate Change Act, the Wildlife and Countryside Act and the National Parks Act.

Huhne has immediately thrown all his toys out of the pram and started calling Tory colleagues in the government “right wing ideologues” and “deregulation zealots” which is rich coming from a “Libtard ideologue” and “Climate Religion zealot”.

The problem that Huhne is all to aware of, is, that unless you enshrine in law the teachings of Climate Religion, the ordinary people wont follow the “do as I say, not as I dohypocrisy of the Champagne Socialists and Environmentalists< Read the rest of this entry

Climate Change – IPCC Caught Out Again With Greenpeace Lead Author

IPCC SRREN Report 2011 - Lead Author employed by Greenpeace

The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has been caught out again using environmental propagandists as lead authors on its warming alarmist lies key reports.

The latest comedy fantasy work from IPCC/Greenpeace claims that renewable energy sources could provide 77% of the world’s energy needs, by 2050.

Impressive if true, but as usual hidden away in the small print is the proviso that world energy consumption would have to decline 40% in real terms, the report was released in May 2011, the supporting documents June 2011, sufficiently late enough to ensure that all would be remembered is the 77% renewables lie. Read the rest of this entry

Climate Scam – World Bank Warns That The Carbon Market Is Failing

Carbon Trading - in terminal decline globally

Carbon Trading - in terminal decline globally

As the Anthropogenic Global Warming scam continues it’s slow and inexorable death, the industries that clung to its back like renewables and the Carbon Trading Scam have started to wither and die as the AGW vine dies.

Prior to COP15 in Copenhagen and Climategate the wheels had started to come off the carbon trading wagon, as the recession bit across Europe and industrial output declined, so did emissions, which had a knock on effect on the need for investment. The recession, the corruption of the European ETS scheme and uncertainty about Cap n Trade in the US and Australia all played their part in the decline of Carbon Trading. Read the rest of this entry

Warming Alarmists Feel The Heat

The Settled Science of Obama; less settled following court orders to release papers

Climategate the turning point in the fight against the warming alarmists, wealth redistributors and one world govenrmentalists is still causing problems for Al Gore and the disciples of the Church of Climatology.

The Universities of Virginia in the USA and East Anglia in Britain were complict in the lies and manufacture of junk science to prove the existence of  Anthropogenic Global Warming, both Universities were obstructive in meeting Freedom of Information requests and both Universities investigated themselves in scarcely believable white washes, cunningly disguised as investigations in to their scientific practices. Carefully constructed questions ensured a pre-determined result.

Now the University of Virginia has been ordered by a court to release papers it had previously refused to release Read the rest of this entry

Greens Fizzle In The US As Obama Drops Climate Change

The man with newly photoshopped discovered birth certificate pontificates on the settled science of Climate Change a mere 18 months ago in Copenhagen. Now no mention of the settled science of Michael Mann and Phil Jones and the IPCC, Climate Change has been quietly taken around the back of the Whitehouse, shot in the back of the head and buried in quicklime.

No terminology change that amounted to everything is caused by AGW, could breath new life in to the great Climate Change scam, for now, make no mistake the warming alarmists will withdraw, lick their wounds and regroup for another attempt at implementing Agenda 21.

For now though, the emphasis is on energy policy, an energy policy that could only make sense to someone about to overdose on Pixie dust.

Not once in his weekly radio broadcast to the US did Obozo mention Climate Change: Read the rest of this entry

The Hypocrisy Of Champagne Environmentalists

John Travolta's Boeing 707 one of a fleet of 5 jets owned by the Champagne Environmentalist

The Champagne Environmentalist, purveyor of the Green Eco hair shirt life style for us, and a 21st Century business as usual life style for them.

The Champagne Environmentalist comes in many shapes and guises, some are the unelected EU officials, some UN carbon gravy train riders, others the self appointed NGOs like the WWF and Greenpeace and probably the most odious are the vacuous showbiz celebrities who preach the Green message because they think its cool, or they will make money from the gullible sheeple from the Church of Climatology. Read the rest of this entry

Climate Change – Belief Is A Regional Thing

One of Ed Milibands Climate Change Fear ads when he ran DECC

Belief in Climate Change is a regional thing, just 25% of people in Britain believe in Anthropogenic Global Warming, where as in India 50% of the population believe in man made climate change.

Ipsos Mori conducted a poll of 18,000 people in 24 countries, Britain had the lowest number of believers, followed by most of Europe, where as the further east you go, so belief increases: Read the rest of this entry