Category Archives: IPCC

Climate Scam – The Warming Alarmist Payback Calculator

Cue picture of stream from cooling towers so often used by Big Green to illustrate CO2 emissions which an on line calculator can now take into account historical responsibility,

Cue picture of stream from cooling towers so often used by Big Green to illustrate CO2 emissions.  Big Green has a new online calculator that takes into account historical responsibility, sometimes call payback, for having an industrialized society

Its business as usual in Big Green world, as their Climate Religion Scam comes apart around them, the policy makers and propagandists continue to push ideas that are never going to win them new friends or stem the tide of dwindling support.

Their faith is either touching, or stupid because they still believe that their boondoggle will come to fruition in Paris in 2015, that all the countries of the world will sign up to  a legally binding climate treaty.

A key part of the climate treaty is further emissions cuts and wealth redistribution, the warming alarmists will say that wealth redistribution is a denier lie, as usual they are either wrong or lying, in the words of UN IPCC official Ottmar Edenhoffer “ we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.

Wealth Redistribution or “Climate Justice” is sanitized Greenspeak, really it  is all about the 2 core left wing principles: apportionment of blame and payback. Read the rest of this entry

UN Climate Scam Cabal Tries To Frighten India

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will not be going to Ban ki-moons Climate Summit so the Asian Development Bank has produced a report predicting Green Armageddon in South Asia.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will not be going to Ban ki-moons Climate Summit so the Asian Development Bank has produced a report predicting Green Armageddon in South Asia.

The Greens and Liberals whose default state is outrage have had a lot to be outraged about recently, the death of Australia’s ill conceived carbon tax and the lack of enthusiasm for UN Secretary General Ban ki-moon’s Climate Summit in September which is being held in New York.

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi is one of many world leaders who will not be attending Ban ki-moon’s Climate Summit.

India is the third largest emitter of the life giving CO2 that the warming alarmists fear so much, consequently the Green outrage at Modi’s snub to Ban ki-moon has reached fever pitch.

Now the Asian Development Bank has produced a report predicting Green Armageddon in South Asia unless India gets on board with the UN program: Read the rest of this entry

Communicating Climate Change Without The Scary Green Monsters (Oxymoron)

Big Green is wondering again if the stories of scary Green monsters are really working with the public in the developed world. They wondered this before, but there problem is their political agenda is founded on fear.

Big Green is wondering again if the stories of scary Green monsters are really working with the public in the developed world. They have wondered this before, but the problem is their political agenda is founded on fear.

If you cry wolf as the fable goes people listen, if however, you keep crying wolf and the wolf never turns up and eats the sheep then eventually people cease to listen.

Here is the crux of the problem facing the Green propaganda machine, not one of their Green Armageddon scenarios has ever come pass, the Arctic was going to ice free by 2012, when that failed happen the date changed to 2020 and then moved on to 2058.

Our children would not know what snow was, there were 50 days to save the world which eventually evolved into 120 months to save the world.

It was Climategate that did the damage to the Green Dream, and in the years since then, the fear stories have been ramped up, where  every extreme weather event is immediately linked to Anthropogenic Global Warming, by the new Green science of attribution.

Attribution is a simple science that most people can comprehend, it goes like this everything that has ever happened, or will happen in the future is caused by man made climate change.

In reality it is the science of predictive fear, underlined by the hope a major natural disaster will occur, and that the Greens can profit from the ensuing human misery.  Puts a whole new slant on “I told you so.” Read the rest of this entry

India Snubs Ban Ki-moon Climate Summit

India's new Prime Minister Narendra Modi has caused Green outrage by snubbing UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's Climate Summit.

India’s new Prime Minister Narendra Modi has caused Green outrage by snubbing UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon’s Climate Summit which is to be held in September.

The ages old trick of tell a big enough lie, tell the lie often enough and people will believe it,  is being done to death on social media by Big Green and the warming alarmist machine in the run up to COP21 in December 2015.

COP21 is going to be held in Paris and according to the Green narrative the world is going to sign a legally binding deal to cut emissions and we will all live happily ever after in a world with a climate of our own choosing.

Every old Green scare story from drowning polar bears to ice free poles by (insert a year far enough into the future so it irrelevant) is being dragged out, dusted off, given a new coat of Green turd polish and broadcast as the truth.

Running in tandem with the Green lie machine is the Green wish projection and straw grabbing machine, looking to find anything that shows there is still some political support somewhere, in the world for their junk science and political agenda.

Take for example the election of India’s new Prime Minister Narendra Modi in May 2014: Read the rest of this entry

The Climate Scientist Who Got It Right In 2000

Dr Don Easterbrook - “One thing many people don’t realize is that CO2 by itself is incapable of causing significant climate change. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is 39/1,000ths of one percent. It’s nothing. Ninety-five percent of the greenhouse effect is water vapor, and water vapor is not changing.

Dr Don Easterbrook – “One thing many people don’t realize is that CO2 by itself is incapable of causing significant climate change. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is 39/1,000ths of one percent. It’s nothing. Ninety-five percent of the greenhouse effect is water vapor, and water vapor is not changing.

Dr Don Easterbrook is a climate scientist and glacier expert who predicted back in the year 2000 that the Earth was entering a cooling phase for at least the next 20 years and to expect lower temperatures.

There has been no real warming, only Green fantasy warming for the last 17 years, so it looks like Easterbrook is a rare climate scientist, one whose predictions actually come true.

A mere 7 years after Easterbrooks prediction Al Gore and the UN IPCC shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for their “planetary emergency” that alleged that Planet Earth was facing catastrophic global warming due to rising levels of CO2.

At this point is worth remembering that the charter for the UN IPCC only allows the IPCC to consider the hand of man in climate change, so their reports will always attribute natural climate change to Anthropogenic causes. Read the rest of this entry

The Classic Green Non Story – Coal Assets Could Be Halved If…..

Coal assets could be worth less than half of their current market value if the world agrees tougher climate targets according to a report by the bank HSBC

Coal assets could be worth less than half of their current market value if the world agrees tougher climate targets according to a report by the bank HSBC

If is the middle word in life” said Marlon Brando’s character Colonel Kilgore in the movie Apocalypse Now.

Generations of computer programmers know If is a conditional, as in the conditional If, used in many programming languages, only in warming alarmist world are conditionals an absolute, where if and could, are actually synonyms for will.

When you couple this skewing of language with vested interests reporting on vested interests, you end up with the a classic Green non story like “Value of coal assets ‘could be halved’ if world goes low-carbon“.

Conditionals are of course based upon probability, and obviously there is a chance that the entire world could decide to believe the Green meme, leave fossil fuel reserves in the ground and decide to follow a dimly lit future based upon intermittent Green approved energy generation.

The big question, is it likely? Read the rest of this entry

Warmists Already Lowering Expectations For 2015 COP21 Agreement

The road map to COP21, note the beginning of the end of fossil fuel use scheduled for 2016.

The road map to COP21, note the beginning of the end of fossil fuel use scheduled for 2016.

There was a departure last year at COP19 with the warming alarmist industry scaling down the expectations of exactly what COP19 would achieve, which was just well, because in addition to being the 5th successive UNFCCC COP meeting in a row to crash and burn, COP19 showed the cracks appearing in the Green agenda.

All the Green NGOs and other self proclaimed representatives of civil society, walked out of the meeting when the western world refused to pay trillions of dollars in so called “Climate Justice” money. The cake was then truly iced with an awesome bout of name calling between Venezuela and the EU Climate Commissar Connie Hedegaard, who blamed Hedegaard not only for the failure of COP19, but also COP15.

The spectre of COP15 haunts the warming alarmist pysche, the high water mark of Green ambition, it has all been downhill since 2009.

So ingrained into the Green collective memory is COP15, they now believe that politicians will not reach a meaningful deal because they are frightened of having another COP15 debacle at COP21. Read the rest of this entry

The Green Stupidity Of David Cameron

Call Me Dave suspects that the recent storms that have hit the UK are linked to Global Warming but he is not sure. So why say anything?

Call Me Dave suspects that the recent storms that have hit the UK are linked to Global Warming but he is not sure. So why say anything?

Green stupidity still occasionally holds sway at the highest levels of government in some countries in the EU, as was amply demonstrated by British Prime Minister David Cameron in the House of Commons yesterday.

Fortunately not all countries in the EU are saddled with politicians who are nothing more than molluscs, liberally dipped in snake oil, The Czech Republic and Poland for example, have politicians who long ago decided being Green was stupid and have since put the interests of their citizens ahead of trying to earn personal Green credentials on the world stage.

In the run up to the General Election in 2010 which Cameron failed to win, one of Cameron’s big spin lines was that, He (Cameron) was the natural heir to Tony Blair, yep truly something to aspire to being, a socialist war monger, can there be any higher aspirational goal?

Cameron blows hot and cold on the Climate Change boondoggle, during the COP19 fiasco in Warsaw last November Cameron was allegedly wandering about muttering darkly about “Green crap” in response to rising consumer anger about energy prices, and the ever increasing cost of renewable energy subsidies.

Yesterday was obviously a hot day for Global Warming in Cameron world Read the rest of this entry

Now About The Coming Ice Age

The MV Akademik Shokalskiy aka Ship of Fools icebound in Antartica. Expedition leader Chris Turney apart from being a warming alarmist scientist also has business interests in a company called Carbonscape which promotes Green products.

The MV Akademik Shokalskiy aka Ship of Fools icebound in Antartica. Expedition leader Chris Turney apart from being a warming alarmist scientist also has business interests in a company called Carbonscape which promotes Green products.

The whole world has had a chance to have a long laugh at the antics of a bunch of warming alarmists scientists and Green propagandists from the BBC and The Guardian getting trapped in Antarctic sea ice.

The stupidity and religious belief in their own propaganda got these Green fools into a mess of their own making, which has happily ended with no loss of life or injury, just a huge amount of carbon pollution from dirty ships bunker fuel, and aviation emissions from the Chinese helicopter that rescued the fools.

The explanations as to why the ice was so thick have ranged from the ludicrous “Sea ice is disappearing due to climate change but here it is building up“, once the global laughter had died down Turney admitted it was weather not climate that had caused the huge build up in Antarctic sea ice.

So the big question is are we headed for a new ice age? Read the rest of this entry

The UNFCCC, Lima, Paris And The Road To Nowhere

The dust has settled on COP19, mega quantities of Green Turd polish have failed to disguise the fact that COP19 was yet another dismal failure for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

COP19 was most the divided COP meeting so far, with the Green NGOs and the other self appointed representatives of “Civil Society staging a walk out, followed soon afterwards by the Venezuelan vice minister Claudia Salerno accusing Connie Hedegaard of damaging not only COP19, but COP15 as well.

The reality of the collapse of the Global Warming Boondoggle has at last percolated through to the highest levels of the UNFCCC and according to the 3 past and present leaders of the UN wealth redistribution scheme the future is far from bright: Read the rest of this entry