Blog Archives

The Re-elected Obama Fails His First Green Test

Barry Obama has signed a law that prohibits US airlines from taking part in the EU emissions trading scheme’s Green Flying Tax, which is a big disappointment to all those Greens naive enough to believe Obama would be the Great Green Messiah in his second term

The Greens and environmentalists were expecting great Green things from Obama in his second term, especially after he mentioned Climate Change in his victory speech.

The problem is there can often be a huge gap between expectations and actuality: Read the rest of this entry

Guardian Greenometer Verdict On The Greenest Government Ever

The Guardian does not think that Camerhuhne is the Greenest Government ever

The Greenest Government ever is not that Green according to warming alarmist Daman Carrington at the Guardian, and the villain of the peace is once again Chancellor of The Exchequer, George Osborne.

George Osborne’s statement that Britain will not go it alone committing economic and energy security suicide has caused righteous indignation amongst the Greens, Environmentalists and unelected NGO’s like Greenpeace, WWF and FoE, whose dream of pre Agricultural Revolution Britain is fading faster each day as  the economic reality check of no money bites hard.

The reality bites hard for all people living in the real world, if however you are Green Environmentalist, then nothing can stand in the way of the Green agenda otherwise an NGO like Greenpeace might become outraged and that would be terrible, to ignore an unelected minority group with a political agenda carefully  wrapped in junk science. Read the rest of this entry

Is Chris Huhne Telling The Truth About The Real Cost Of Green Subsidies

The real costs of Huhne's Green agenda for wind could be much higher than Huhne claims

There are some questions to be answered about Chris Huhne’s explanation that ever rising prices for gas and electricity are mainly caused by fossil fuel costs, with only a tiny fraction of the increases supporting the massive susbidies taxes on everyone’s energy bills.

Wholesale energy prices peaked in 2008, and then fell back at the end of 2009, retail energy prices however after a slight fall stayed well above the 2008 peak, there were modest increases in wholesale price, last year and this year, but wholesale prices today, are well below the 2008 peak.

Fossil fuel prices have fallen, yet Huhne maintains that ever rising fossil fuel prices are the cause of all time high energy bills: Read the rest of this entry

Britain’s Last Carbon Capture And Storage Project Is Cancelled

Longannet CCS Project cancelled due to insufficient tax funds available

Britain’s last remaining Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project has been cancelled, because the major players in the project Scottish Power, Shell and the National Grid were concerned about the economic viability of the project without still more Green taxes on energy bills for electricity and gas.

Like all Green and approved Environmental based projects, they simply don’t work in the real world, without massive subsidies taxes on consumers. Read the rest of this entry

Barack Obama – 1000 Days Of Failure

In JFK's first 1000 days he started the Space Program, Obama in his first 1000 days cancelled it

Barry Obama has been in power for 1000 days now, 1000 days of incompetence, crony capitalism and abject failure, with Obama’s approval ratings slightly lower than snake shit and the 2012 Presidential Election looming, the brave new world that Obama offered is being compared with the Camelot of JFK.

Now widely regarded as a single term president of less competence than Jimmy Carter, Obama is resorting to the time honoured Socialist tactics of class warfare, the politics of envy and much playing of the racism card.

So bad is Obama’s position that his supporters even setup Attack Watch so that people could inform on those that say derogatory things about “Dear Leader” Obama. Attack Watch was a resounding failure with people reporting their dogs for having anti Obama thoughts, the butt of endless humour and parodies Attack Watch lasted only a few days, before hiding behind the registration form that now appears. Read the rest of this entry

Britain – The Real Cost Of Cameron And Huhne’s Green Policies

Leaked EU report - electricity price rises for next 20 years because of renewables

Yesterday Cameron and Huhne stage managed a summit with the big 6 energy companies as the fall guys for the recent massive increases in the costs of gas and electricity, the increased costs were of course nothing to do with the Green taxes and other carbon taxing lunacy.

Huhne took time off from telling consumers they were lazy in not switching tariffs to say that the cost of Green policies to families was only £20 a year, when most estimates from a range of sources put the real cost at £100 a year minimum.

Business have warned the government of the costs of Green policies again, and again, with the exception of Chancellor George Osborne these pleas from business have fallen on deaf ears.

The future for energy costs and the financial outlook for Britain is grim, and the more wind farms there are the worse it will get: Read the rest of this entry

Climate Change – Now Animals Are Shrinking

Polar Bears are shrinking due to Climate Change

Poor old Ursus maritimus is allegedly suffering again from the effects of Man Made Global Warming,  now polar bears are shrinking in size.

The Polar bear has almost become the doomed mascot of the Church of Climatology, the ecomentalist’s Christ on Cross who has suffered for our sins, well, according to the religious teachings of Al Gore, Greenpeace, WWF and FoE the ploar bear has.

The drowning polar bears, resurfaced as Polarbeargate and just like so many more Green and Environmentalist lies, the declining Arctic sea ice was in fact increasing at the rate of an area the size of Manhattan every 3 minutes, now in the latest effort to keep belief in Anthropogenic Global Warming alive, the polar bear and other species are supposedly shrinking in size: Read the rest of this entry

Global Warming – It Is Time For Science Not Religion

Global Warning: Trust Scientists, Not Shamans

Global Warning: Trust Scientists, Not Shamans” is unbelievably, a headline from a post on the warming alarmist Huffington Press site.

While many of the warming alarmists like James Hansen have rolled out a number of lame excuses for the decline in Climate Religion belief, like the skeptics have better PR, Huff Po are the first to break ranks and tear chunks out of Al Gore, the IPCC and the environmental movement.

Seems it all started to go wrong in the 1990’s when the international left were in meltdown and environmentalism was a handy place for those against capitalism to regroup and begin the fight anew: Read the rest of this entry

Green Hypocrisy – COP17 Has An Official Airline

An official airline for a Climate Synod, surely a clash of interests

The COP17 Climate Synod has an official airline which offers special discounts for warming alarmists flying to Durban to put a stop to us normal mortals, flying.

Flying is supposed to be one the great evils that the morally superior self appointed guardians of the environment are forever telling us we should not do, what is worse many of them will be committing the ultimate carbon heresy and flying first class. Read the rest of this entry

Being Green – It’s All About Moral Superiority

Australia first over the cliff of economic suicide

Australia has committed economic suicide, a country heavily dependent on fossil fuels for both energy and export, has during a deepening global recession introduced a carbon tax, which translates into a tax on everything.

Tony Abbot the opposition leader said “I am giving you the most definite commitment any politician can give that this tax will go. This is a pledge in blood this tax will go.

Latest polls show 70% of Australian voters against the carbon tax that Gillard said she would never introduce, while unpopular with voters the carbon tax has received support and applause from warmists around the world, that don’t have to live with the economic consequences: Read the rest of this entry