COP16 Ends In Deadlock

Greenpeace protests at COP16 failure

They are putting a brave face on it, but no matter how they try to dress it up, Chrish Huhne’s car crash has happended at Cancun, after 2 weeks of negotiating they have agreed just 1 paragraph.

It is difficult to see what the future holds for the whole UN negotiating process now, after a failure at Copenhagen followed by the car crash in Cancun, international climate diplomacy is looking to be a pointless exercise.

Even diedhard alamists like Connie Hedegaard sees no way forward:

The future of international climate diplomacy was put into jeopardy today as the UN global warming conference at Cancún entered its final hours with no resolution to the divide between rich and poor countries. “We have very limited time to make a last push,” warned Mexico’s foreign minister, Patricia Espinosa. “No party can lose sight of what is at stake.”

On what should have been the final hours of two weeks of negotiations, Connie Hedegaard, the European Union’s climate change commissioner, warned that the UN process was at risk of becoming a never-ending set of meetings unless they reach a positive outcome at Cancún.

“Everyone must realise that if we don’t get things done here in Cancún, it’s very difficult to see how you go from A to B,” she said. “If we leave Cancún without getting anything out of this, I think multilateralism has a problem.

About Tory Aardvark

Climate Realist, Conservative and proud NRA member. I don't buy into the Man Made Global Warming Scam, science is never settled. @ToryAardvark on Twitter ToryAardvark on Facebook

Posted on December 10, 2010, in Anthropogenic Global Warming, Cancun COP16, COP16, Copenhagen COP15, Green Lies, IPCC, Social Engineering, Wealth Redistribution and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Sounds too good to be true. But hey I’ll take it.

    I think god is sending these “Global Warming” twits a strong messages. Whenever they convene god enshrouds them in record COLD.


    Keep up the good work god! OTOH please try not to freeze too many of us to death in the process.

    It should be obvious by now our problem is NOT warm it is COLD.

  2. This will give you a good idea of what they are still up to, TA.

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