Climategate – The Global Corruption Of The Carbon Trading Scam

Anthropogenic Global Warming and the junk science that supported it have taken a mortal blow, but in the words of a popular expression in the US “it’s dead, it just aint hit the floor yet”.

Across the world efforts are still being made to get the one world government and wealth redistribution scheme going again, but as both Kevin Rudd and Obama have backed off the chances of the warming alarmists ever achieving pre Climategate levels of belief again are minimal.

In the US they are waking up very quickly to the corruption of carbon trading as this article in shows:

The carbon trading system being pushed here has spawned crime and fraud across the pond. Cap-and-trade is not about saving the planet. It’s about money and power, and absolute power corrupting absolutely.

All across Europe authorities have been conducting raids, rounding up individuals involved in a new version of Climate-gate. This time the data aren’t corrupted. Europe’s Emissions Trading System is. The system is so sick, it’s turned out to be a scam built upon a scam.

“Carbon markets are highly susceptible to fraud, given their complexity and the fact that it’s not always clear what is being traded,” says Oscar Reyes of Carbon Trade Watch.

Climate change has been found to be a fraud. Now the system to fight it has been. Yet it’s that system the administration and others want to establish here through cap-and-trade legislation such as Waxman-Markey and Kerry-Boxer.

Corrupt and Junk Science created the man made global warming scam and it is fitting that the solution to the scam, is as corrupt as the scam itself.

About Tory Aardvark

Climate Realist, Conservative and proud NRA member. I don't buy into the Man Made Global Warming Scam, science is never settled. @ToryAardvark on Twitter ToryAardvark on Facebook

Posted on May 15, 2010, in Anthropogenic Global Warming, Church Of Climatology, Fear, Green Taxation, IPCC, ManBearPig, Social Engineering and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

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