The Shame Of Labours Scorched Earth Policy

Gordon Brown burns Britain as he knows the election is lost

As far back as November 2009 there were rumours that Gordon Brown and Labour were implementing a scorched earth policy with hidden debts and booby traps for the next Government.

The story surfaced again in March this year with Labour’s £11billion Scorched Earth Spending Spree

Now less than a week into the new government and the cat is well and truly out of the bag. In the last weeks of Government as the Russians closed in on the fuhrerbunker General Election loomed so Labour set about screwing the country for their own political ends.

The newly discovered Whitehall “black holes” could force even more severe public spending cuts, or higher tax rises, ministers fear.

Vince Cable, the business secretary, said: “I fear that a lot of bad news about the public finances has been hidden and stored up for the new government. The skeletons are starting to fall out of the cupboard.”

The new cabinet has been discovering previously unknown contracts and uncosted spending commitments left by their spendthrift predecessors.

“There are some worrying early signs that numbers left by the outgoing government may not add up,” said Francis Maude, the Cabinet Office minister.

One former Labour minister told The Sunday Times: “There was collusion between ministers and civil servants to get as many contracts signed off as possible before the election was called.”

One former adviser to the schools department said there was a deliberate policy of “scorched earth”. “The atmosphere was ‘pull up all the railways, burn the grain stores, leave nothing for the Tories’,” he added.

There needs to be a public enquiry and former Labour Ministers and Gordon Brown, the worst Prime Minister in our history, called to account for the deliberate sabotage of the public finances for the political ends of the Labour Party.

Afterall Nick Lesson was sent to prison for less.

About Tory Aardvark

Climate Realist, Conservative and proud NRA member. I don't buy into the Man Made Global Warming Scam, science is never settled. @ToryAardvark on Twitter ToryAardvark on Facebook

Posted on May 16, 2010, in Labour and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. I don’t believe a word of this Cons tosh – GB is a far more genuine person than people like the loathsome IDS or that stupid little Yorkshire oik

    • GB is the most genuine liar ever, he lied to the country, Parliament and Chilcot.

      It is a shame that he will never be bought to justice.

    • Mike,

      History will judge Brown as the worst chancellor in memory. He flogged our gold reserves at rock bottom price, he raided our pension funds, he spent money on unreformed public services at a rate that was unsustainable all based on a global boom fuelled by low interest rates and low inflation, the result of the Far East boom and cheap labour. He has saddled us with unprecedented debts through his irresponsible profligacy. As for all that rubbish about his saving the world that’s like a fireman with arsonist tendencies setting fire to a building, rushing bak to the fire station and claiming credit when he tries to put the fire out. As usual a period of socialsism ends with a massive budget deficit.

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