12% Fall In UK Renewable Energy Production

For the second time in 2010 our output of renewable energy fell by 12% due to “lower than expected wind speeds and a reduction in rainfall” according to Chicken Little’s Department of Energy and Climate Religion.

At last people are waking up to the great Green wind con and the reduction in output is causing questions to be asked about the £1 billion subsidy of tax payers money that the renewables scam receives each year.

Chris Huhne, the climate secretary, repeatedly chastised the previous government for putting the UK in 25th place among the 27 European Union countries for renewable energy, a ranking based on 2008 figures.

However, last week RenewableUK, the industry lobby group, said the UK was “on course” to meet its commitment to reach 15% of all energy – including at least 30% of electricity – from renewable sources by 2020.

But at what cost per unit will Chicken Little’s wind turbines produce electricity when compared to conventional coal fired or nuclear power station?

The answer roughly 13 times the cost.

Louise Hutchins, climate campaigner for Greenpeace, said: “At the moment it [renewable energy] is a very small share in electricity and small fluctuations in weather can have an impact on the percentage of supply. When we have a lot more renewable energy there will be a lot more stability.” The Guardian

Maybe Aardvark missed something in the soundbite from Ms Hutchins, surely the more we are dependent on wind farms, then when the wind fails to perform as predicted the shortfall in electricity generated will have a bigger impact, then it does now when renewables account for barley 9% of the power this country needs.

What this really illustrates yet again, is that wind power in not reliable enough to meet the needs of a modern industrial society, without 100% backup from other sources of supply.

This total dependence on 100% redundant backup just increases the cost of energy to every person and business in Britain, and for no good reason and certainly no good science.

Enough is enough, stop ruining the landscape with these hideous icons of the Church of Climatology and let’s have affordable energy as political strategy, not a discredited Climate Religion.

About Tory Aardvark

Climate Realist, Conservative and proud NRA member. I don't buy into the Man Made Global Warming Scam, science is never settled. http://toryaardvark.com @ToryAardvark on Twitter ToryAardvark on Facebook

Posted on October 1, 2010, in Anthropogenic Global Warming, Green Lies and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

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